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Total Realism Overhaul


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I'd never copy/paste, that's just bad form. If I like the idea, I may learn from it and perhaps make my own version, but that's it. And even then it's considered polite to mention the source of inspiration.


As for the mod itself, I think it won't conflict with TRO at all, so best left to players to decide if they want it installed or not. Plus then I don't have to worry about bugs and updating. :P

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  • deadly archery; having a piece of wood piercing your internal organs is not comfortable. Getting pierced by an arrow will slow you down. Getting shot by more than two should kill you.

But then you should also add that heavy armor (or good light armor) deflects arrows. I don't think a simple wood arrow can pierce heavy steel armor.


  • ?suspicion; sneaking around, committing crimes (even when undetected) and other anti-social activities lower the players reputation with that city, which incurs various penalties, such as raised prices in shops and inns, higher bounties for detected crimes etc. Decreases over time, or with socially acceptable activities, such as donating to local temples, handing out charity to beggars or buying rounds at the local inn

Nice idea. I like the crime system of Gothic3:

- When you draw your weapon/magic in towns, the people tell you to put it down else they attack

- Same with sneaking around openly

- If you steal a lot of valuables in a town, the guards stop you and ask if you know anything about it. If you steal even more, they say "We can't take any risks" and attack you. You could add a (hidden) bounty to every item you steal.


  • dampen (not remove completely) ambient light in caves/interior cells; the aim is to produce a more atmospheric feel of being underground/in a smoky Nord lodge.

Some caves also have magic lights or light crystals or sun shining through, don't remove everything completely.

Edited by Liaen
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Any light sources have been left intact for the lighting overhaul - I have reduced the luminosity down to 20% of vanilla values for ambient and directional light for all interior cells and night. This produces very dark areas in caves and interiors where there are no light sources (to the point where you practically can't see where you're going), while leaving otherwise illuminated areas intact.


Heavy armor does mitigate a lot of the damage arrows do - there is no way to make them bounce other than some random value assigned by the engine, but damage is reduced. So you may kill someone wearing leather with a couple of shots, but killing someone wearing heavy armor like dwarven, steel plate or daedric will take a lot more arrows.

Heavy armor will make you slow though, and NPC's wearing it will not have the ability to dodge blows.

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I was wondering how we could (and by WE I mean Mansh00ter) make traps actually interesting. Even if we make them deadly as they should be, it will still be unneeded from the player to keep a lookout for them as he can just make quicksaves every two minutes and reload if he steps on a pressure plate or something - it completely destroys the whole traps gameplay.


So, why not reduce the amount of saves a player can make in proportion to feats he accomplished and time he spent on playing? By spending time in game, completing quests, learning skills and possibly killing stuff player would gain... lets say... destiny/fate/luck points that then can be used to make a save game. These saves could be stacked up to 2 or 3 so you could always make that emergency save when dinner is ready, but still be limited.


I have no idea how it could be done in Skyrim, but I think that would really spice up things and give Skyrim's gameplay that frantic, thrilling, nail biting feel of Resident Evil (uh, zombies everywhere WHERE IS THAT SAVEPOINT).


Just imagine yourself in some random cave, creeping through the corridors, praying that you find some torches around the corner as the one you have been using is nearly finished and in complete darkness you will not see those damn pressure plates - perspective of losing 60 minutes of intense dungeon crawling you just did can be much more terrifying than any monster or dragon, no matter how much HP.

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@tomislawus: Good news! I've implemented the feature. It does require a small bit of effort on your part: stop saving your game.





Yeah, that's not how it works. People instinctively use the resources available to them. I for one, want lower carry capacity to reduce the amount of junk available, but I get this not by simply carrying less but through a mod.


The idea itself, reducing saves available, is a common hardcore feature, but I don't see it working with mansh00ter's system because everything will be so deadly, you will die a lot. I think.

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Obviously, it would be just another module, completely optional and I want Skyrim to be as much deadly as possible. BTW isn't there some feature already in game that doesn't let you save during combat or something? I think in Oblivion was something like that. Wouldn't it be then only a question of cooking up a script to use this feature all the time?
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Unfortunately, there is no way to tap into the save game system that I know of. It's hardcoded.


Plus, as you said, TRO will be quite unforgiving. You can get slaughtered in the starting dungeon. In fact, the fight with those spiders in the Helgen caves is pretty nasty. So I think "save early, save often" will actually be a pretty handy practice.

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Also, the game crashes quite a lot with a lot of mods. Had a crash just now, that's why I'm writing.


Just curious, how many mods are you running right now lokiron? I'm running about 50 or so and I only have had crashes after installing a new one a then having a load order issue but once that is settled it has been fine for me.

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