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Total Realism Overhaul


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I've always enjoyed the Resident Evil 4 & 5 inventory system, and have long wondered if there is any way of implementing it into a Bethesda game. Inventory sorting was an important thing, and kind of fun when you have mild OCD..


Haven't played those but I think you probably mean the "grid" type inventory? If so, unfortunately it cannot be done.


@frostypaw - yes, for the most part. If I put in the weapon breaking system, custom weapon will have to use vanilla keywords to determine the material type, otherwise they might break unrealistically (for example legendary or daedric weapons will never break, but they have to have the proper keywords set to be recognized as such).


Base damage is determined by weapon type, which is set automatically, but modifiers are set by weapon material, so unless you want your legendary custom weapon to have the same damage modifiers as an iron weapon, you have to set the keywords (not that you should fret about it, those modifiers are minor, a sword is a sword). Bigger issue is when fighting special creatures like dragons, werewolves, vampires etc. - iron won't even dent them.

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Ha, he's still alive...:D


Didn't know you were lurcking around here. How high is the chance for you updating the basic needs mod for patch 1.6.89? This patch introduces some nasty bugs to your mod.


Damn... I've been so busy with RL, haven't even had time to check the mod page. Thanks for the heads-up... I think a new patch will be up together with the alpha of Combat Overhaul, so sometime near the end of the month.


As for vampires, I'll take a look at it, but first I have to wrap up what I already have in the works.

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Sorry for all the questions, but will a stealth overhaul be part of the combat module you will be releasing soon?


Also, are you planning to make gold rarer (or less valuable) at some point in TRO? Literally sitting on a mountain of gold kinda breaks the immersion of the game for me. Plus, then it'll be much more interesting when you have to actually WORK (you know, like chop wood or do any of the other tasks bethesda put into the game) for coins to buy your next meal. Somewhat related to this is this cool mod that might give you some ideas if you're interested in exploring this topic further: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11919


I really appreciate all your hard work towards this awesome mod!

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I just thought of something. Would it be possible to use the enchanting mechanic to do durability? Like enchant regular weapons with a "durability" enchantment and have enchanted weapons break (disappear or turn into scrap metal/leather) when the magic holding them together runs dry (maybe "disarm" the player before destroying the dropped weapon). This would also add some more pressure to find and use soul gems on your favorite weapons. To do this well you would probably have to limit the weakness of enchantments to avoid people enchanting something with something really weak that takes forever to run out. This would add to the game too though; enchanted weapons should be more powerful than weak anyway.


Just a thought...

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One more important tip I have for you Manashota: make every perk you redesign all about utility and not only about numbers - perks should introduce new ways of playing and not only enhance those that already there.


Its actually something I talked about with a designer from CD Projekt Red so you know its a good tip:D

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So I started a new character and I had a two hit death from a wooden club by a bandit boss wearing fur armor. My 3 arrows and multiple slashes from my dual wielding swords barely phased him :down: . I was running a Skyre/deadly combat mix. Still excitedly waiting for your combat overhaul where boss=/=dragon strength. :rolleyes:


Thanks Mansh00ter

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