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Total Realism Overhaul


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Because I mentioned reptilians and NWO in this thread couple of posts ago, the whole thread probably got into the Echelon database and Manashota is being interrogated right now and the mod files evaluated for containing secret messages:(


I'm so sorry, please NWO overlords give us the alpha version of the mod. We will obey you from now on:(


BTW This is how democracy dies.

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Because I mentioned reptilians and NWO in this thread couple of posts ago, the whole thread probably got into the Echelon database and Manashota is being interrogated right now and the mod files evaluated for containing secret messages:(


I'm so sorry, please NWO overlords give us the alpha version of the mod. We will obey you from now on:(


BTW This is how democracy dies.


I'll do my best to roll out an alpha version in the coming week. However, I have a LOT of RL responsibilities to take care of right now, so I can't make any promises. It's just that sort of time, busy, busy, busy.

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Damn, just figured out the reason for script lag. If I remove race detection, the execution is instant.


I have replaced race determination by keyword with a new system which takes base HP ranges and determines the type of actor that way. This does create situations where you drop a common bandit with two or three arrows and his boss needs five (and hits a bit harder), but on the other hand, it removes the weird situations where you can kill obvious bosses with a couple of hits.


And, finally, the LAG IS NO MORE! Muahahaha!


The alpha version will be ready in a few days. Note that this version will be for enthusiasts only - people who would like to help me iron out the bugs in the system. To that effect, only the melee portion of the mod will be released with the 0.1a version. That means magic will still work the same as in vanilla.


0.1a version will include:


-the core of the module, percentage based, level-independent damage system

-rudimentary wounds system

-combat effects (stumbling etc.)


Next two weeks, if you feel up to it, will be dedicated to gathering any and all bugs you can report. Weird boss fights, unrealistic combat etc. Then I will remove any bugs, add and polish all the other features and the mod will be ready for official release.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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As I feel I'm your greatest... not enthusiast! but a HARSH CRITIC (yes, I hate you Manashota) I would like to criticize you for making an overcomplicated system which in turn forced you to abandon your ambitious plans and compromise your glorious mod... unfortunately I seem to not remember your original idea and therefore I can't DESTROY YOU... for now.


I'm sure somewhere in those 116 pages there is an explanation how this damage system was supposed to work, but I can't find:( Halp mah

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The core is untouched. The whole idea was always to get rid of the annoying level-based system where lvl1 NPC's would never be a challenge at higher levels and high level NPC's would be impossible at lower ones. Now they present a consistent challenge... it doesn't matter if you fight dragons as a lvl 1 or a lvl XX, they will always be nasty bastards to take down. It doesn't matter if you fight roadside bandits or wolves as a lvl1 or a lvl XX, they will always present a consistent challenge.


The only thing that changes is the stuff that goes on behind the curtain. The experience is pretty much the same.

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I wasn't talking about the experience you intend for the player to have, as I could easily find that in OP. I was talking about the "behind the curtain" stuff you described somewhere else where you say exactly how it all be achieved. TELL US THE TRUTH MANASHOTA
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Like this:


;get victim race modifiers //
	if (baseHPVictim<20)
		;critters / DR:1.0 AR:0.5 HPSoak:1.5 (0-20)
		raceHPSoakMult = 1.5;
		raceDRMult = 1.0;
		;raceARMult = 0.5;
	elseIf (baseHPVictim>20 && baseHPVictim<=90)
		;normal / DR:1.0 AR:1.0 HPSoak:1.0
		raceHPSoakMult = 1.0;
		raceDRMult = 1.0;
		;raceARMult = 1.0;
	elseIf (baseHPVictim>90 && baseHPVictim<=150)
		;beasts / DR:0.8 AR:1.2 HPSoak:0.7
		raceHPSoakMult = 0.7;
		raceDRMult = 0.8;
		;raceARMult = 1.2;
	elseIf (baseHPVictim>150 && baseHPVictim<=400)
		;giant beasts / DR:0.5 AR:1.6 HPSoak:0.5
		raceHPSoakMult = 0.5;
		raceDRMult = 0.5;
		;raceARMult = 1.6;
	elseIf (baseHPVictim>400 && baseHPVictim<=499)
		;monsters / DR:0.3 AR:1.8 HPSoak:0.3
		raceHPSoakMult = 0.3;
		raceDRMult = 0.3;
		;raceARMult = 1.8;
	elseIf (baseHPVictim>499)
		;dragons / DR:0.2 AR:3 HPSoak:0.1
		raceHPSoakMult = 0.1;
		raceDRMult = 0.2;
		;raceARMult = 3.0;

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