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Total Realism Overhaul


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Manaduda, no one is trying to force you to do anything. Whatever I do, I do it because I care about your project and not to break your balls. You can't imagine how grateful I am to you for taking up this challenge, but this does not mean I should not try to evaluate what you do and give it to you straight in da face.


And please, don't take offense - if you don't want feedback then just say it. Do you really think I want to waste my time writing these posts if you don't want to read them?


I see how not having the mod to play can make it hard to assess your ideas for me, but still I think we can discuss this.


I said that "fantasy realism" is bullshiit because its just something you say when you want to say that some things will not be realistic at all. This is bullshiit because its like saying that black people are actually white, but in a different shade of whiteness. Making your ideas into reality is one thing and trying to force them all into niche of realism because you like to think that your mod is realistic is a completely different thing and its basically bullshiiting yourself and others.


Mount&Blade is a bad example because its choice and progress metagame is mainly about raising your army and not advancing your character. In M%B equipment and character stats are only small part of the whole RPG gameplay, while in Skyrim its all there is.


Just because there is no difference for a mosquito between being hit by a 500 kg car and a 3 ton truck, it does not mean that there is no difference for an elephant in a similar situation. Remember that in Skyrim you fight with 500 kg spiders, giants and fuucking dragons. Having a sharper sword will not make a big difference for you if you fight with some half-naked bandit, but it will make a lot of difference if that iron sword of yours gets stuck in a dragon scale because its just not sharp enough to pierce it.

Edited by tomislawus
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Tomislawus, not sure you and I understand each other. The combat model DOES take into account the armor of the target as well as the weapon type and class. What I am saying is that if you're fighting against someone in a full daedric set, you may want a quality weapon for extra sting. But an iron weapon will NOT just bounce off, doing minimal damage. Think about it. One of the main reasons for me doing this mod is to get rid of the completely non-consistent way your character gets challenged in the game world. If I make low tiered weapons drastically inferior in the most important field, damage, then I open the way for the player to become immune to enemies that wield such weapons. That translates to boring. And you can get that in vanilla already.


Instead you should want a better weapon because it can hold stronger enchantments, has greater armor penetration, perhaps is faster (that bit isn't changed from vanilla), lighter, harder to break (if I manage to figure it out) etc. But the base damage is shared across all weapons of the same type. A stone ax might be a poor weapon compared to a steel one, but not when it comes to inflicting horrific wounds on an enemy, even if the former shatters on impact.

So if you happen to like your iron sword, you CAN keep using it. You won't be able to kill special creatures with it, and it will make things a bit more difficult for you against heavily armored enemies, but not impossible, not to the degree that you have to upgrade your weapon or risk turning your game into a frustrating experience.


I welcome opinions and suggestions, and also constructive criticisms (which is the reason why this thread exists in the first place). But the process of mod-making is one of constant trial and error, experimentation and research. I am not able to list every little detail here, I'd be at it all day and get nothing done (I talk too much about the damn thing already). If I do something in a certain way, there are good reasons for it, sometimes obvious, sometimes not.


And also this:


In M%B equipment and character stats are only small part of the whole RPG gameplay, while in Skyrim its all there is.


Exactly. But Skyrim is at its core a sandbox too, and can be more than just a collector game. Hence the character needs, the economy and inventory overhaul, the roleplaying and immersion module, the environment overhaul and a score of other planned features of this mod. It's not only about combat and gear.

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Its like you are the Democratic Party and I'm the Republican Party - we fight with each other, but in the end it turns out we are the same people with the same ideas and principles and we argue just for the sake of it and because fuuck it - democracy is all about false diversity. But still, it does not mean that we waste time - by arguing after our ideals we express them and therefor reiterate and internalize them better:D
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This is the internetz - we don't have to waste our time for politeness here.


Everytime I see something like this, I get a little sad inside. :(

I know that on the Internet, you don't have to fear beeing beaten up by someone who you're mean to.

But I just hope that fear isn't the only motivator for you to be nice in real life.

After all, we're still all people talking to each other, even if we can't see each other, know our names or hear our voices.

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Teh internetz is our playground where we can forget about rules of the real world, we can experiment and act differently to just see how it is. Its not because of lack of fear - I strongly believe that people should be polite and caring for each other - especially for those who can not defend themselves.


I believe that you find what kind of a person someone is by seeing how he treats those who cannot harm him or are dependent somehow on him - think of a polite and always smiling businessman in a suit belittling and yelling at some poor McDonald's worker because there is something wrong with his sandwich or soda got spilled on his table. Its not how you treat your peers or supervisors - its how you treat those who are lower than you on on the social ladder.


In many ways this is the case in our interactions on teh internetz, because there are no real repercussions here that could bite our ass for being ourselves. So be yourselves when you writing posts on teh forrums even if your an a**hole - know yourself:D




Why the fuuck did I write all this? :psyduck: Well, at least my english is getting better:D

Edited by tomislawus
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Make choosing between a steel sword and an elven one something to consider by making both of them a viable choice in their own way, not through making the choice not matter.


Example: steel sword is not as sharp or light as the elven one, but its cheaper and player can make here a choice between two viable options - he either buys the expensive, but better elven sword or he saves up the money and spends them on some potions or armor.


This is called choice.


One thing about Vanilla Skyrim is that it is exceedingly easy (relatively speaking) to own anything you might want*. Couple this ease of access to the fact that one set of equipment (e.g. daedric) is generally vastly superior to the others in every way and you get greatly reduced player experience of the game in its entirety. The other weapons become mere stepping stones (that you barely spend any time on) to the "best" thing. In this system, the player doesn't really have a choice of how they want to play if they want the greatest chance of success. Essentially, they just become a god (try to convince me daedric doesn't look godlike...) among the men of skyrim. I know the storyline works with this concept to some extent, but to me it breaks the immersion of the game. The game would be much better in my opinion if the option was there to be a regular man of skyrim who has the gift of the voice but not much else. This would provide challenge and allow the player to see himself as part of the world, not just a guy who can do whatever he wants and get away with it.


*This also really needs to be fixed by making gold much rarer, making inventories smaller, making stealing harder, etc.

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