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Total Realism Overhaul


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I overhauled most of the spells to be much more powerful, but now they require much more magicka to cast and almost all spells now have to be charged - for example fireball takes 4 seconds to cast and costs 400 magicka, but will kill almost anyone. I also changed Flames to be an illusion spell that does not deal damage, but instead frightens people. Is this the right direction? Any other ideas? Note, I have a strong rule not to create new spells (its feature creep, nooooooooo!).
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I'm sorry for spamming your thread Manashota, but have you thought about somehow enabling friendly fire from spells and hazards player creates himself? I really like how my Ember spell work (it sets on fire people only if they step into the actual ember), but it bugs me unbelievably that it will never set on fire the player. I won't even mention retarded things like casting fireballs in a tight cave.


I would imagine it would require some kind of an epic script only someone like you could cook up:D


Also, I looked into the possibility of making a oil puddle spawning spell and it seems its another thing only you can do:D It would require a script that spawns an activator (oil trap). It would be epic if we could have combo-spells like in DA - first you create a puddle of oil and then set it on fire with a basic fire spell (or maybe even a torch) and watch your enemies burn.

Edited by tomislawus
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  • 2 weeks later...
Am I right in thinking that all weapons and armours will have the same damage output/resistance, but each will have different advantages and disadvantages? I'd like to see how that plays out in-game. Anyway, hope the mod's going well and it's not making you :wallbash:
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@Tomislawus, I thought about that, but no dice so far. It could be done with scripts, but then you'd have to overhaul every spell in the game and it would be incompatible with other magic mods.


Btw. if you figure out a nice easy way to spawn fire hazards at impact points from spells, let me know. I still want to turn the Flames spell into something useful, like creating fire barriers on the fly.

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Actually I already did that with my Ember spell. Look up my mod for it. Creating a fire wall would be just a matter of creating your own hazard with longer life. In my mod I made all fire hazards much more deadly and including a firewall spell would be great, but on one condition: AI has to mind the fire and try to avoid it because without this behavior its either OP (as in my mod) or completely useless (as in vanilla).
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