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Total Realism Overhaul


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one more idea - what i would find very important:


let "running away" be less of an option. maybe you could take a page out of duke patrics book and involve stamina some more, so that the PC is simple to exhausted to run off, gets an arrow in the back etc. the loading screen must NOT be saviour.


also there is a early WIP with hitzones http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12615 maybe some ideas for you.


keep it up, i really like your idea with the consistent challenge im sure the author of the 1st really working combat mod will be declared god of modding.

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one more idea - what i would find very important:


let "running away" be less of an option. maybe you could take a page out of duke patrics book and involve stamina some more, so that the PC is simple to exhausted to run off, gets an arrow in the back etc. the loading screen must NOT be saviour.


also there is a early WIP with hitzones http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12615 maybe some ideas for you.


keep it up, i really like your idea with the consistent challenge im sure the author of the 1st really working combat mod will be declared god of modding.


Duke Patrick's mod's stamina system is in my opinion just plain awful. As a low level character, you can do just one power attack for example and then you can't even block, forcing you to just have to stand there like one of the NPCs and take all the beating they'll give you. As you level up, if you increase stamina as much as possible, you become simply overpowered in melee.

Not being able to run away from a battle would be unrealistic as well and it would make all combat clunky and restricted. As long as you're boosted up on adrenaline, (which you should be in a battle to death) you'll be able to run off, or atleast try to..


If such things are implemented into this awesome mod, I hope they can be disabled.

Can't remember if you were going to implement an in-game menu and can't bother going through the 100 pages again.

I really appreciate all the work you're putting into this and I'm anxiously waiting for a release.

Edited by lagi
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Combat endurance will be the in mod, but it will be based on a level independent, percentage based system. Basically, with training you will increase your combat endurance which will affect how much stamina you spend with each swing, block, etc. This system will also take into account other actions, such as out of combat gameplay - if, for example, you run for miles prior to fighting, you will naturally have less endurance in a fight. Another reason to buy a horse.


As for training, that's not just leveling up. I have a neat little system in mind which simulates actual training of your body and mind (and decay of the same), but more on that later since it probably won't make it into the initial release of Combat Overhaul.


In any case, you will be able to effectively wield a weapon well enough to defeat at least one opponent at level 1. For more you will have to employ tactics more than brute strength, but that will be the case throughout the game anyway.

Running away will always be an option, but of course if your enemies are armed with bows or spells that might not end well if you just leg it in a straight line. Also, backpedaling will have a chance of tripping you up, so you'll have to watch out for stuff like that.

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I ran into a bug. I mean, maybe it is not but it's still odd. When I drink or eat, a message pop up on screen "You are no longer hungry or Thirsty". But if i check the magic menu, i can see red messages as if i were still hungry or thirsty.
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to clear up what i meant: currently running away is "overpowered". the pathfinding ai just cant keep up with you if you jump over stones etc. as soon as you reach a loading screen its done.

maybe you could punish the player by an exp-penality for unfinished battles?


also i think dukes work is rather good but problematic for leveling up etc. its hard to combine player advancement with simulated combat.

Edited by msz666
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Mmmh disagreeing with running away.


Well, it should be made harder, I agree on that. But please don't do anything like experience penalty.


Making it harder makes it so:

- you prepare more carefully each battle, observing the environment and making tactical choices

- you now have an incentive to use items and magic that help you running away. Non-exhaustive: calm and fear spells, invisibility potions (+stamina potions to be able to sprint), why not haste spells (see Midas Magic), paralyze poisons and spells, attacking at night so that running away is way easier... Hopefully some mod like Midas will add Smoke and Mirror (add fake copies of you to distract the enemy) spells.

(Because yeah, I think the true purpose of TRO is to fully use the potential of vanilla Skyrim. In vanilla Skyrim, you have a huuuuge diversity of spells and potions and food and other items, and you can fight or flee or avoid combat, but you just end up bashing things because it works. TRO makes it so you have to think and decide. That's the way I see it)


Yet by making fleeing harder, you potentially add an incentive for the player to spam the quicksave and reload.

What I mean is, if you make running away both hard and useless (with a exp-decrease for example), then the player will just reload every time.


Oh, and with the possiblity of having enemies fleeing the same way.

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