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Total Realism Overhaul


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First off, I didn't read the entire thread, only glanced through to get a general understanding of what's been accomplished and what not, so if I repeat a previous suggestion, I apologize.


Now, It seems to me, that it ought to be possible for quests to be adjusted so, if in the off chance a important quest NPC is killed be a flying wheelbarrel or some such, the quest could continue. Say you continue on with you're quest lacking the information that NPC gives, but, since you aren't properly informed, you miserably fail. Adds realism, and makes the random occurrences less frustrating, imo. I don't know if this is quite possible, as I have absolutely no modding experience and only a small amount in scripting, but judging from what has been done in mods already, I think it could be done. Just an idea.

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Yep, when it's done. A lot of tweaking and testing needs to be done just to make sure that the combat overall is smooth and enjoyable. Once the module is ready for beta, I'll upload it so everyone can test it and provide feedback - with something that changes a core aspect of the game to such a degree, bugs and weird situations are to be expected.
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Nope. No combat mods will be compatible with the TRO - Combat Overhaul, simply because it pretty much disables vanilla weapon damage (most of it is left around 1-2 points of damage, otherwise the AI chooses to always fight barehanded). If you load another combat mod after it which alters combat game settings, then you will get weird damage output because the normal weapon damage will then stack up with the damage from the Combat Overhaul system.


Spell and magic mods should be compatible, though new spells might not benefit from the improved physics effects the mod will bring.

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And if I load YOUR combat mod AFTER the complete overhaul which included a combat mod, your mod will overwrite the other one? Or it will fail as well?

I use this mod because it adds a lot to the game, dunno if you know it:



If you load Combat Overhal after a mod which alters the combat related game settings, especially those concerning damage multipliers, you will end up with stacking damage. There is no way around that. In order for the Combat Overhaul level-independent damage system to function, vanilla damage system had to be neutered. This is done by reducing all vanilla weapon damage to near zero, and it has to stay that way. If there is a cheat command you can use to disable damage (both for you and the NPC's) then you could try that, as such cheats will not affect the Combat Overhaul.

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Can you tell more about the "wounds from critical hits, ranging from concussion to broken limbs and bleeding". This will be the wounds that will heal a few days / weeks or short-term effects?


Depends on the wound. Some wounds, like bleeding, will be short term, but will potentially kill you if serious enough and not stopped. Not all bleeding will be the same, as sometimes you will receive a shallow cut and sometimes a deep gash. Especially deep bleeding wounds might even cause a bit of an adrenaline rush or panic, or even a mixture of both.

Then there's concussions and contusions, which will take a few days to heal, but which you will be able to heal faster using some alchemist remedies (magic will be useless for some of those).

Then you have broken bones, which will take a really long time to heal and the only way to quickly mend those is to use splints+alchemy or special "deep healing" magical spells. Only the PC will be able to receive those, due to their long term nature and the special requirements for healing.


What kind of wound you or NPCs and creatures receive will depend on the kind of weapon used and some other factors such as the armor rating etc. For example, you won't get a bleeding wound from a mace, but you'll have a higher chance of inflicting or receiving concussions, broken bones or contusions. An opponent equipped with a full set of heavy armor (same goes for you) will be less likely to get wounded at all from a hit, than someone equipped with a handy loincloth.

Wounds will be generated based on the above factors, but the primary one governing whether those factors are even taken into account will be a combination of attacker weapon skill and random chance.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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