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Total Realism Overhaul


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>>>>>When do you think the next module will come out?


yeah i must say as nice as it is to read all this stuff its just getting to the point where one needs something delivered. im going on a 3 weeks journey next monday and when i come back this thing is better running OR ELSE i might stop BEING INTERESTED!!!!!!111!!!!111!!!! :armscrossed:


Combat Overhaul should be out within two weeks. That's a guesstimate, of course.

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Yes, poisons now have a greater variety, especially creature poisons. Not all poisons are going to damage your health, some poisons are more similar to getting infected with a disease, some will be quick and deadly (for example craftable high level ones), some will be just as deadly but slow etc.

Most poisons will no longer be just simple damage-over-time effects, but instead have varying effects and special symptoms.

To name an example, don't ignore getting poisoned by a giant frostbite spider. It won't kill you right away, but if you don't get treatment (antidotes, magic etc.), you WILL die. It won't just go away if you wait long enough and the symptoms are not a simple drop in your HP bar. Over time you will get nausea, blurred vision, you will find it difficult to walk, then you'll have trouble just staying upright and finally you end up comatose and die.

Another nifty example is also how various modules work together; for example, the new version of Basic Needs will have the optional requirement of personal hygiene (you will have to wash regularly, and you get dirty from fighting, physical straining of any kind and just slowly over time). If you neglect personal hygiene, not only will you stink an nobody will like you (Basic Needs effect), but you will also have a chance of getting an Infected Wound condition after every sustained hit (Combat Overhaul effect). This at first is little more than an itch, but can end up as a quasi-gangrene and kill you.




The washing mechanic though is overkill - I think you should put in the Annoying Mechanics Module.

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It is a pity. But what about some simple scheme breaking things? For example, weapons can be broken in any strike against the enemy (a chance to set for each type of weapon, the iron more than the steel, etc.). This, of course, is not very realistic, but will add interest to the game.

Imagine you're fighting with the bandits and then your favorite ax is broken in the heat of battle and you have to quickly take an iron ax from a nearby corpse, and fight back.


I like this idea.


Maybe make it so some weapons have the chance to break when power attacking a higher quality armour.

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It is a pity. But what about some simple scheme breaking things? For example, weapons can be broken in any strike against the enemy (a chance to set for each type of weapon, the iron more than the steel, etc.). This, of course, is not very realistic, but will add interest to the game.

Imagine you're fighting with the bandits and then your favorite ax is broken in the heat of battle and you have to quickly take an iron ax from a nearby corpse, and fight back.


I like this idea.


Maybe make it so some weapons have the chance to break when power attacking a higher quality armour.


It would be cool only if you had to fight with a broken weapon after it breaks. A chance for a weapon to just disappear after an attack sounds not very fun.

Edited by tomislawus
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Unfortunately, impossible to do. Bethesda didn't keep any weapon and armor stats that could be used, and without those there is no way to keep track of anything. Originally I had hoped that they would still be there, just disabled or unused, but they're completely gone.

It is a pity. But what about some simple scheme breaking things? For example, weapons can be broken in any strike against the enemy (a chance to set for each type of weapon, the iron more than the steel, etc.). This, of course, is not very realistic, but will add interest to the game.

Imagine you're fighting with the bandits and then your favorite ax is broken in the heat of battle and you have to quickly take an iron ax from a nearby corpse, and fight back.


That could be done. But I'll see about it when I push out the initial release - feature creep must be kept in check! :)

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TRO will handle all custom creatures/monsters/NPC's just fine, as long as they have the appropriate keywords set (TRO - Combat Overhaul uses keywords to determine the nature and type of enemies). So for example, if someone makes a new type of bear, they MUST set the "beast" keyword on them, otherwise that bear will be treated as a normal humanoid NPC, which removes the damage and defense bonuses beasts have.


As for gear, weapons and armor have their own hardcoded stats, and no special actions need to be taken.


So most mods that add new weapons to the game should work (like the dragonbone weapon set)? Also, have you worked at all on making the inventory a little more realistic? I find it a little immersion breaking when I look at my inventory and realize I'm carrying 100 books and like 10 broadswords without even using a pack... This is kind-of a small gripe and I don't want to overload you with stuff, so don't worry about it if you weren't planning to do this in the first place :)

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Inventory overhaul will come as a part of another module (Environment Overhaul) and it will feature quite severe restrictions regarding what a player can carry at one time. You will need to purchase backpacks, manage your inventory carefully (especially because items will be adjusted for *volume* and not only weight), and there is even a few magical and non-magical means of managing your stuff planned.
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Ha, he's still alive...:D


Didn't know you were lurcking around here. How high is the chance for you updating the basic needs mod for patch 1.6.89? This patch introduces some nasty bugs to your mod.

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