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Total Realism Overhaul


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As I said, I'm really looking forward to this mod. I need something to spark up Skyrim, otherwise I have no desire to play it (which is a shame considering how much there probably is left for me to explore). By "something by the end of the month" would you describe the release as alpha, beta or near completion?
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Currently the initial release of Combat Overhaul will have the following features:


-completely new damage model based on actor type, character stats and weapons used, sidestepping all levels, HP boosts, damage boosts etc. present in the vanilla game. That means that all humans will perform in combat as you would expect them to, with no superpowered bandit chiefs, you-can-cut-me-all-day-long-I-don't-feel-a-thing mages etc. Dragons will be dragons, killing everything around, trolls will be trolls, and chickens will be chickens, regardless of their level, or yours.

-dual wield parry

-arrow hit stagger (works on the player as well)

-physical spell effects (works on player too), meaning spells will behave the way you'd expect them to. Fireballs will toss people around, fire will induce panic, frost will definitely have a noticeable effect, shock spells will be able to actually knock people out etc. Also magicka is way more lethal than vanilla, to compensate for the fact that a single arrow or two can and will kill an unarmored mage.

-improved NPC melee combat performance, with more skillful blocking so they last longer and present a greater challenge

-wounds from critical hits, ranging from concussion to broken limbs and bleeding

-(maaybe, if I can do it right) HEADSHOTS! ;)

-visual combat after effects; cleanable blood splatter on you after heavy melee, magic victims left as smouldering corpses (if you use fire and shock spells) for that extra gritty feel to fights


-also, as a special feature of the initial release, Catch-A-Bug minigame, with lots and lots of amusing bugs left around for players to hunt down and report to me. :P


It isn't a very outwardly complex system - but the big idea is that it will replace the entire damage system of the vanilla game, thus completely and utterly changing the way combat plays out throughout the game world. So it isn't a combat tweak mod with some scripted features, there are plenty of good ones out there already, this aims for something entirely different.


This is from May. Anything changed besides the new way of detecting attacks? We'll get all of this in the Alpha at the end of the month? Will it support Dawnguard (crossbows and a few new creatures came to my mind)?

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Sans physical spell effects and after effects, that requires a complete rework of the way magic functions in the game and I don't have time to include it in alpha.


Since this mod replaces the core damage model, it should work with any weapon, including crossbows and modded items, as long as that weapon has the basic set of traits (primarily keywords referencing weapon material type, weapon types themselves are hardcoded so all weapons have them by default).

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Hey Manashota, why don't you send me whatever you have already done in the magic overhaul (even if its only your own notes) and I will look into it when I have some time. Even if you won't like some of the changes I make, maybe you could still use something from it or someone else would enjoy it along your combat overhaul.


I feel you are really overwhelmed with this project, have too little time for it and you desperately need help:D


Note that I'm not promising anything - I have my own projects and I just got new job where I work with UDK so I'm not sure I will have the strength to work with another creation kit after 8 hours in the office.

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Not overwhelmed by the project, just by other stuff right now. But, it should clear up in a little while, then I will likely have more time to devote to this and progress should be faster.


Also, thanks for your offer, but I... *puts on shades* ...work alone. ;)

Once I release a more complete version, I will also make all source files available for tinkering with, and since I keep all my code well commented, it should be easy to dive right in.

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:ohmy: I got meme-zoned!


I was thinking more about releasing my own magic overhaul focusing on pure utility and synergies between spells, so it would take careful planning and strategy to play a mage, not this "zap, zap, pew, pew" we have now. I just wanted to make it as compatible with your mod as possible or even a part of your overhaul... Well, I guess I can work with what can be found in this thread for now.

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Since this mod replaces the core damage model, it should work with any weapon, including crossbows and modded items, as long as that weapon has the basic set of traits (primarily keywords referencing weapon material type, weapon types themselves are hardcoded so all weapons have them by default).


Well, a crossbow should be much powerful than simple bow, at least as far as I know. Also, it adds a few new creatures which should be aligned to the other ones affected by your mod.

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