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Total Realism Overhaul


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another idea...

NO STARTING SPELLS. or maybe they depend on your race, i.e. I think it is maybe logic that dark elves have the fireball spell, but other races that aren´t so magic oriented should replace it for some other power that makes more sense. I believe you should make your way learning spells from mages, or buying books, maybe the mage in the tutorial dungean has the fireball book instead...

thanks for your replies, i absolutely agreed on what you said answered in my previus comment regarding the guild requirements.

Hope Bethestha releases the CS soon!


I agree. Completely agree. Magic should be stronger, by a lot, but first you have to take away the ability for even pure warriors to use it without needing to learn anything.

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Too much focus on food will make the gameplay really slow and distract from others things more important to be done first.


The ideas for fights being much harder and challenging is cool. But Arrows will be a pain in the ass. You'll have to make the game way darker and sneaking a lot easier early on the game or you wouldn't be doing any assault on bandits hideouts without dying 30 times at least. One more thing... Mage companions will kill you a lot in dungeons, shooting their fireballs at your back.


Also, vampirism and lycanthropia should be remade. Lycans should have a blood thirst too, like every night once per week or something like that, making it involuntary morphing in werewolf form and having to at least kill some people before turning human again. The restless state also should have more drawbacks, as hallucinations and some weakness. To still compensate being a werewolf, you should be able to turn to human when you want, from exception of the bloodthirsty night.


Another question is about NPC IA... It's reeeeeeeally stupid as it is now. Is just silly looking an old woman with a dagger facing you or a dragon. Also lots of animals that should be running of stronger enemies staying and fighting to death is wrong. NPCs getting shoot in the head with an arrow and them saying it's probably their imagination, or when they see a dead friend and just do nothing but going back to where they patrol.

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Hey guys,


So I was dueling a Draugr Death Warlord (or something) the other day, and was trying to dodge his attacks with my sneak roll. I noticed that he can adjust the direction of his attack, mid-swing, at instant-speed to catch me as I roll past him. In other words, if he begins his swing while you're standing in front of him, and you roll past him, he turns with you, mid-swing, to guarantee he still hits you. Couple problems with this:


It's not realistic, so I think it should be addressed by this mod (I'll try to address i myself in a little standaloner).


It makes dodging a non-option in combat, severely dumbing things down and limiting your options.


To fix this, and make rolling a viable option, I say we reduce the speed at which a guy can turn (probably based on what type of enemy he is).

Edited by jeffrobot
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Hey guys,


So I was dueling a Draugr Death Warlord (or something) the other day, and was trying to dodge his attacks with my sneak roll. I noticed that he can adjust the direction of his attack, mid-swing, at instant-speed to catch me as I roll past him. In other words, if he begins his swing while you're standing in front of him, and you roll past him, he turns with you, mid-swing, to guarantee he still hits you. Couple problems with this:


It's not realistic, so I think it should be addressed by this mod (I'll try to address i myself in a little standaloner).


It makes dodging a non-option in combat, severely dumbing things down and limiting your options.


To fix this, and make rolling a viable option, I say we reduce the speed at which a guy can turn (probably based on what type of enemy he is).


This happens to enemies using bows too. But because of the arrow speed, it's easier to dodge.

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I can just support the whole thing, and back up the two previous posts regarding armor deterioration.

Smithing has become interesting in a way, and less useful in another way, just because they removed this degradation effect.

And if rarely a piece of armor can break ... perfect ^^.


A question though: do you have a first ETA ? ^^ I'm asking, because as much as I already like this game, if I knew your mod could be out soon, I would refrain from playing too much :D


Well right now I can't do anything but make plans and schedules for mod production, as the official Creation Set isn't out yet. As soon as the CS is out, I'll get to work, first on items which only require variable shuffling, then on items requiring scripting (pending necessary scripting support like the script extender) and finally items requiring custom graphical assets.


Mind if I help with textures?

I'm sure you've noticed some very unrealistic textures.

I'm not the greatest btw - but I'm DEFINITELY not the worst. :)

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I think another cool thing, that a few people have mentioned, would be the ability to set up camps in the wilderness. You could start little fire, lay out a bedroll, put some pans over the fire, cook stuff, do.... something else maybe? Write in a journal? : )


If you wanted to do this really simply, like without animations, you could just:


select the bed roll from your inventory, use it -> screen fades to black -> fades back in, the bedroll is on the ground. Its like you took a few minutes to set it up. You could do the exact same thing with the fire and cooking stuff. And it'd be really cool (and also probably not hard to do) if butterflies/torch bugs were drawn to your fire. That'd give you something else to do before hitting the sack.


This all raises the question - should enemies be able to see your fire, and if so, what should that lead to?

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I think another cool thing, that a few people have mentioned, would be the ability to set up camps in the wilderness. You could start little fire, lay out a bedroll, put some pans over the fire, cook stuff, do.... something else maybe? Write in a journal? : )


If you wanted to do this really simply, like without animations, you could just:


select the bed roll from your inventory, use it -> screen fades to black -> fades back in, the bedroll is on the ground. Its like you took a few minutes to set it up. You could do the exact same thing with the fire and cooking stuff. And it'd be really cool (and also probably not hard to do) if butterflies/torch bugs were drawn to your fire. That'd give you something else to do before hitting the sack.


This all raises the question - should enemies be able to see your fire, and if so, what should that lead to?


And have some sort of area detection. It'd have to be in a flat area to "spawn" all the stuff. Wouldn't want a vertical bedroll or a gravity-proof fire/pot on the side of a mountain would we?

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Yeah, that's not a bad idea. I don't think it would be too hard to do, though that depends on how much info about a given model/asset the CK gives you.


Then again, maybe there's the option to add physics to things in the CK, then you could let the player set things up anywhere, and if it's on too much of a slope, it just falls over. Man, wouldnt it be kinda fun if your bedroll ended up sliding halfway down a mountain and you had to trudge out into a blizzard at night to find it? Better not stumble across any bears or trolls.... :D

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I just came up with another great idea for this overhaul which i think would be great...let me explain, for the past few days iv been noticing that i really am tired of getting side tracked nonstop by locations and map markers, as every time i have my mind set on something i want to do, but the second i see a new map marker pop up, i go off to discover it, then i see another and go there, see another go there, so on and so forth, next thing you know, iv done this all day and not actually done anything ( today in fact including, no i can saw i have literally 1 half of the world map explored >< )


So here is what i propose, remove mostly all of the map markers not including towns, and important landmarks completely so there is no markers ( think Morrowind style location hunting ), i really think this would fit nicely in a combo with the other modules like no fast travel ( which i never do! ) and the one to remove quest map markers & compass etc...

Edited by PsYchotic666Joker
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Another sugestion... Make more people traveling on the roads, also guards, caravans, and bandits. Town to town would be good enough. I'm sure that would add another lvl of imersion since right now you can travel all the world and only see wolfs and bears on the roads. And that shouldn't be too hard to do.


Traders caravans with guards getting assaulted by bandits on a road would be really cool stuff to see.








Also, anyone think that could be possible to fight mounted on a horse? Or at least shoot arrows? Also a first person view... Would be extremelly cool.

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