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Total Realism Overhaul


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I just came up with another great idea for this overhaul which i think would be great...let me explain, for the past few days iv been noticing that i really am tired of getting side tracked nonstop by locations and map markers, as every time i have my mind set on something i want to do, but the second i see a new map marker pop up, i go off to discover it, then i see another and go there, see another go there, so on and so forth, next thing you know, iv done this all day and not actually done anything ( today in fact including, no i can saw i have literally 1 half of the world map explored >< )


So here is what i propose, remove mostly all of the map markers not including towns, and important landmarks completely so there is no markers ( think Morrowind style location hunting ), i really think this would fit nicely in a combo with the other modules like no fast travel ( which i never do! ) and the one to remove quest map markers & compass etc...


IF that happens... It would be nearly impossible to do some quests except by lucky. Information about location on the quests aren't good enough to eliminate all the markers.

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Its ridiculous to think this guy will work for us, do all the changes/suggestions posted. Even if its actually possible. I think its reasonable to think that the "project" will just be abandoned due to excess of objectives like many other projects before.
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Its ridiculous to think this guy will work for us, do all the changes/suggestions posted. Even if its actually possible. I think its reasonable to think that the "project" will just be abandoned due to excess of objectives like many other projects before.


That's a pretty cynical opinion, isn't it? And seems to me like it's also a little insulting towards the OP. He's already said that he doesn't plan on giving up just because it turns into a lot of work - maybe you should give him the benefit of the doubt. Besides, I think some of us would be perfectly happy with just the very basic adjustments he originally suggested.

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Well, I don't think anyone denies that Mansh00ter's objectives are fairly high and that it will certainly take some time. I totally support you, Mansh00ter, still I do hope that you plan on having at least some people helping you. Because, maaaaan this project is ambitious. Edited by Hoptic
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-removal of immersion breaking elements, such as compass bar, enemy and quest indicators (I know this can be done in the settings, this is for those who don't like a temptation sitting there)

-Map Check ability - the idea is to take the existing Clairvoyance and make a more immersion friendly version even for people who like to play a magic-free character, so that the process looks more like a proper map check than casting a spell; see if it is possible to add a cue as to how far the destination is

I was just starting some concept work on a crystal gem object that you could hold in your off hand something used outside of combat but could be used to detect enemies around corners that in first person view would show a magical hologram looking compass and maybe w/e other data that shows up in the compass area that you'd want. I'd planned also to be able to "look closer" in the gem to see the map view.


as for fast travel maybe putting it into the mage skill tree would be cool as a once a day thing, if you took out (currently playing a mage argonian)

but if taken out all together regular walking speed should be either set higher to 175 initially or raised that far via stamina whiles running speed should be only raised by about 10-20 points i think, was just messing with the settings but haven't looked how to set different values for walk/run.


figure out a suitable way to represent the mana bar with visual/audio cues

a steady humming of an energy crystal with some voices of harmonious angels when your full (only starts with weapon drawn)

and as it goes down the humming gets less powerful and lower and the voices start slowing in time and warping, for the audio part as for the visual part, not quite sure, like warping of your soul like its being torn out or barely being able to keep it self stable and connected,

i have a garage studio setup with a korg, maybe i could try n play with it


armor overhaul; armor to be a lot more effective, killing a heavily armored foe will be more like bludgeoning them to death compared to slicing apart a measly brigand

I'd like to see a fight where I knock the opponent to the ground get a lucky shot or 2 while he's down then have him block while he's down and try to perform a special recovery move, maybe get thrown back even staggered while he gets back up to charge at me if i dont dodge im dead



a few more additions i have:

-a larger smithing/ enchanting/ alchemy system

add properties to the various ingots that would transfer over to the made armor

example: silver would resist against disease, reflects some magic when polished, it still conducts electricity.

gems and extra ore could be added to the smithing to enhance its quality/properties

more variables to what soul gems do in the process of enchanting, special properties for each individual soul

that would get transferred to the item, if you captured a giant spider it might give the item poison chance or resistance.

-change race skills to place of birth skills, so you could be an argonian that was born and raised in cold or any of the race perks and still look however you wanted.

-be able to put enchants on gems so you could quick socket them to weapons you find and want to use

-charging with your weapon straight out at an enemy and have it pierce through and kill him in slowmo on contact :P


all the extras aside, it wont be that hard to make this mod, you'll do great man and if you have any extra tedious work i would be happy to help

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-charging with your weapon straight out at an enemy and have it pierce through and kill him in slowmo on contact :P

Seems to me like the more realistic result would be: he sees your attack coming a mile away, sidesteps, and clotheslines you with his greatsword.

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Its ridiculous to think this guy will work for us, do all the changes/suggestions posted. Even if its actually possible. I think its reasonable to think that the "project" will just be abandoned due to excess of objectives like many other projects before.


Funny, I remember a guy saying pretty much the same thing for my last mod, which turned out to be a massive three year long project I did all by myself and am, guess what, about to finish. I do not abandon my projects. I do this for fun and I am not in the habit of getting easily bored.


That said, due to the different nature of this mod, I believe first alpha versions of certain modules will be available in a week or so once the CS is released and I can get some proper work done. The whole project may take much longer to completely finish, but I'm fine with that.

Also, nowhere did I say I will do ALL the changes posted or requested here. I do consider each one and how it fits in the whole mod, whether it may actually be doable considering engine restrictions (there are plenty which in fact are not) and so on, and then decide if I should add it to the list. As work progresses I may add to some features on the list or ditch others if they prove unfeasible. Only way to really know is to try to put them in the game and see how that works.

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I'll get the game in about a year and a half so I hope you'll be finished by then, good luck!

By the way, may I ask what was your three year long project?


"Invasion" unofficial expansion for the Sins of a Solar Empire. You can see the ModDb page here (The Last Stand is a working title).


Though to be honest, it took me that long because I wanted to do a professional quality mod, and it takes time to go from this, to this.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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