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Total Realism Overhaul


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I never once thought every suggestion will be incorporated nor anyone ever said so in this whole thread, nor anyone else thought so. (except mr optimist up there)

Im just making suggestions i like and hope some will stick, cos i sure cant mode them myself.

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Just a simple suggestion. Blacksmithing needs just two changes:


- Remove BS resources from vendors. You need to mine for what you want to make.


- Armor has a "difficulty value" based on amount of resources used and cost of resources. Crafting something with a difficulty value below your current blacksmithing skills gives no skill advancement.

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Blocking successfully should take stamina not health. I always feel a bit annoyed when I block an attack with a shield and my health bar goes down. The damage should be taken by the material of the shield itself, and the effort required to hold the shield against the attack is better modelled as a stamina cost rather than hp.
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Just a simple suggestion. Blacksmithing needs just two changes:


- Remove BS resources from vendors. You need to mine for what you want to make.


- Armor has a "difficulty value" based on amount of resources used and cost of resources. Crafting something with a difficulty value below your current blacksmithing skills gives no skill advancement.


I don't agree with no being able to purchase ores/ingots as they are quite rare to get hold of, however I totally agree with your 2nd suggestion of bring a difficulty value. Bit silly that at level 80 skill you can still learn something from making iron daggers.

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> Proper reflection of the world/player on the water and underwater

> Bag/sack carrying animation

> Effect of moisture after getting out from the water

> Looting animation

> Climbing animation (climbing stairs rocks or high grounds)

> Drinking and eating animations (maybe drinking from river animation also)

> Bleeding animation




> More Crowd/Living World

> Crowd Inn/Tavern (laughin, drinking, talking, arguing, singing, and even brawling people in taverns)

> Crowd market places/stores (feverishly talking, shopping people, shouting stallkeepers)

Edited by apoff
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For the visual representation of mana without a bar, you should try modifying the color in the game. Basically, when you're at full mana, everything is colored normally, but as it empties, the color starts to drain out of the world, until at 0 mana when everything is black and white.


For health, some specks of blood on the screen while above 50% but not dead, and then more and more and some red tinge around the edges of your vision as you get lower.


For stamina, a simple representation would be to have your character breath more heavily as his stamina goes down, and then finally when he hits 0 he has to stop for a bit to catch his breath. (stunned, camera looks down, possibly an animation for 3rd person mode)

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I was looking at another Realism mod that was in the works by fuzzysecurity that had some of the same elements maybe you two could work together? The big thing that I would love to see is the clothing/armor/robe layer system I have been wanting something like that since I saw that higher tier armor has less warmth to it.
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> Auto book organise into bookshelfs like weapons


The bookshelf that came with the home I purchased in Windrun did have a built-in-organizer. I believe it would hold 18? books - then once I was done putting them in there, the game autoaligned them on the shelf, and even one at the end fell over if it wasn't filled up all the way.


I thought that was a pretty sweet touch by Bethesda.

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> Auto book organise into bookshelfs like weapons


The bookshelf that came with the home I purchased in Windrun did have a built-in-organizer. I believe it would hold 18? books - then once I was done putting them in there, the game autoaligned them on the shelf, and even one at the end fell over if it wasn't filled up all the way.


I thought that was a pretty sweet touch by Bethesda.



ahh I missed that :) great then but i think players deserve more touches like that... It's worth it and sometimes it makes the game less boring..

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