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Total Realism Overhaul


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Staffs on back would be a good idea, i mean its a step back from Oblivion. Especially the necklaces wont show in some outfits or armour for realism :biggrin:


It's easy to buy around 80 iron ingots in whiterun between the 3 blacksmith vendors. This makes getting daedric armor a simple matter of spending some gold and spamming "e" and "y". It inflates blacksmithing, player level and ultimately diminishes the experience. Armors should have distinct characteristics. There's absolutely no reason to use many of the nord-themed cool-looking fur, hide and scale armors.


Realistic set bonuses could be applied, for example:




Fur armor could give a bonus to stealth (soft, no gleaming metal) and natural cold resistance.


Hide armor is light, providing higher armor than fur and a bonus to movement speed and stamina regen.


Iron armor should dominate for a larger part of the early-game. You get steel almost as soon as you get into whiterun if you're doing BS. There should be enchanted, powerful ancient iron armor sets in dungeons to be found for those that want to keep that look later in the game.


Once you get to something as alien and uncommon as dwarven armor or daedric armor, you should feel like you've actually made an effort to get there.

Edited by Suecotero
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Or leather/hide armours could give better protection against lightning damage than chainmail or plate.


Which they will. Not against fire though. Funnily enough, wearing a fur overcoat will do wonders against frost attacks, but gods help you if you get hit by fire.


Regarding fast travel, the only fast travel method which is lore friendly and thus supported by me is Mark/Recall, that is, teleportation spells. If I can script it, I would like to include a sort of a Blink spell, where you first place a Mark, then when you Recall, a new Mark is placed at the spot you have been at before you cast Recall. That way the player will be able to teleport back and forth between the two locations, which should prevent teleportation from breaking certain parts of the game (for example trap rooms). The idea isn't without faults however, so I'll have to see how it works in practice.


Another method would be to create another spell for fast travel, something like Ghost Walk, where the player takes on a spectral, invulnerable, invisible form, which can move incredibly quickly, but cannot interact with anything in the world, nor cast spells, attacks, etc. So you can actually, you know, travel fast. :)

Not sure that's lore friendly though.


In either case, the idea is to remove a metagaming element and replace it with actual gameplay.


So if anyone knows any other methods of fast travel mentioned in the lore, let me know.

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So if anyone knows any other methods of fast travel mentioned in the lore, let me know.


I never actually played Morrowind so thought I would try it while waiting for Skyrim to be modded into a decent shape. One of the first things that happened to me after the starting area was a wizard falling out of the sky, and when I looted his corpse he had some kind of levitation scroll on him, as well as a journal triumphantly recording his new invention.

Edited by CampanaAliquanta
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Yeah, the fabled Icarian Flight scrolls. But since Skyrim doesn't have Acrobatics any more, that won't work. Levitation is probably possible through scripting, and of course jump height can be modified, but anyone using those scrolls in Morrowind usually ends up like that wizard.


But thanks for the reminder. I think Ghost Walk would be a nice addition. Hell, maybe I'll even make several tiers of the spell, with a flying one at the top. We'll see. In any case seems more interesting than boring old fast travel.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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Staffs on back would be a good idea, i mean its a step back from Oblivion. Especially the necklaces wont show in some outfits or armour for realism :biggrin:


It's easy to buy around 80 iron ingots in whiterun between the 3 blacksmith vendors. This makes getting daedric armor a simple matter of spending some gold and spamming "e" and "y". It inflates blacksmithing, player level and ultimately diminishes the experience. Armors should have distinct characteristics. There's absolutely no reason to use many of the nord-themed cool-looking fur, hide and scale armors.


Realistic set bonuses could be applied, for example:




Fur armor could give a bonus to stealth (soft, no gleaming metal) and natural cold resistance.


Hide armor is light, providing higher armor than fur and a bonus to movement speed and stamina regen.


Iron armor should dominate for a larger part of the early-game. You get steel almost as soon as you get into whiterun if you're doing BS. There should be enchanted, powerful ancient iron armor sets in dungeons to be found for those that want to keep that look later in the game.


Once you get to something as alien and uncommon as dwarven armor or daedric armor, you should feel like you've actually made an effort to get there.


Remember that all prices will be increased in this game, so you will find it easier to go mining the material

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I'm for all of them except removing Fast Travel. Sometimes, due to real life commitments, it's just not possible to ALWAYS walk as it can take literally hours to get to your destination.


I understand how this is the 'realistic' way but I think that it is the option of the user to use fast travel and it should stay that way. If someone wants to be super realistic about it, they won't use it, but whoever wants to use it is free to do so.


If it really comes to it, maybe make two versions, one with and one without fast travel?


Overall, it's an amazing job!

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Don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but another thing that has been bothering me (an should be a relatively easy fix for someone who can actually program) is that my horse is psychotic. I would love to have a horse that would at most lash out at wolves and people once before bolting, and run from things like trolls and ice wraiths immediately. It's completely ridiculous when my horse kills an ice wraith before I can even get a swing in, let alone when he comes charging in from half a mile away to hunt down enemies.
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