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Total Realism Overhaul


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Hello world !


I'm really interested in your project, Manshooter,

I'm a lover of Arwens mods for F3/F3NV and I think you're following some of his steps.


By my side, I was thinking about a realistic encumbrance mod,

I wrote some idead, surely some of these things have been said already, sorry for that, but maybe is there some good ideas.

Feel free to take any of the idea you may appreciate.


(PS: Excuses : English isn't my 1st spoken language)




Inventory and Item changes: TRO:Encumbrance


- Items modification : Type of encumbrance : 0 1 2 3 4 5 in volume

  • 0 : Quest objects, paper
  • 1 : light food, ingredients, potions, gems
  • 2 : heavy food, potions, books
  • 3 : daggers
  • 4 : 1-h weapons, boots/helmets/arms
  • 5 : 2-h weapons, armors


- Stats modification :

  • Reduces encumbrance and scale it with stamina
  • Review the encumbrance system : when you don't have a bag, carrying things is quite impossible !
  • When naked/always : 1 object in each hand or a 2-handed object in both hands.
  • When wearing clothes : pockets (0-1 volume) (10 pds max)


- Strain sufferring (see Arwens job in F3/F3NV)


- New items : Different types of bags :

  • Pockets : On every clothes/armors there are pockets (0-1 volume) (10 pds max)
  • Handbag : Liked by mages and herborists (0-2 volume) (20 pds max)
  • ShoulderBag : (0-3 volume) (50 pds max)
  • Small BackPack : (0-4 volume) (150 pds max)
  • Large BackPack : (0-5 volume) (300 pds max)


- New Perk tree : Encumbrance (yeah, well chosen isn't it ?) with perks like :

  • Organisation : increase incumbrance limit of bags by 20/40/60/80%
  • create pockets->belts->chestbelts into clothes->light armors->heavy armors so as to put quick access potions/scrolls
  • create attach systems (quickslots) for daguers/1hw/2hw/bows/... in clothes/light armor/heavy armor
  • create pockets->handbags->bags->backpacks usable with for no->light->heavy armor
  • create horsesbags


- HUD/Animation modification : Remove quickslots 1-8 (or 1-2 with xbox pad) with fixed ones (don't apply to spells for spells indeed)

  • I think it is possible by inserting limitations to the "favorite" menu : 1 slot per realistic slot crafted on an armor.
  • Each armor quickslot is outside of your bags so encumbrance is back to normal when an item is "quicksloted"
  • Need something in your backpack ? First : not possible in combat, because a little animation of you removing and searching in your backpack the putting it .
  • The lighter the bag is, the quicker is this animation.


- A new manufacturer : the tailor !

  • Sales prepared/enchanted bags
  • Can activate slots on armors


- New Enchantments Let's be honest, we all like to carry our entire house in our backpack, so what we need is : Enchanted bags !

  • Reduce total encumbrance spell : Reduce the weight by a pourcentage
  • Reduce ingredients spell : Reduce the weight of food and ingredients by a higher pourcentage
  • Reduce metal spell : Reduce the weight of armors/weapons/metals by a higher pourcentage
  • Reduce volume spell : Reduce the type of volume by 1-x level


- And least but not last : The Legendary Deadric Bottomless Bag of Holding

A quest which leads you to the legendary bag of holdings created by an unknown daedra who wanted to carry as much goods as possible so as to sell them to humans, many mages claims to stole it from the daedra such as Rinceblow or Simons-des-Sources... Will you find it you little greedy ?


So, Altair, You want a dagger in each bracets and each boots ?

As you wish : smith a double dagguer slot boots, a double dagger slot gauntlet, find 4 daggers and carry 4x times the real weight of a dagger.

Now you can call yourself an Assassin !


What about you Olaf ? want to carry a two-handed axe and a bow behind your back, while having a blade

at your hip while and carrying a full of goods backpack while wearing a complete plate armor without any Encumbrance skillpoint ?

Well, go find a good tailor and prepare your gold son ! This enchanted bag will costs you a lot !


And you, little greedy warrior who wants to carry half of the dungons goods with you for selling it...

Well, go find the Bottomless Bag Of Holdings first !

Edited by ercete
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Hi, I loved Arwen's realism mod for NV, it really made the game interesting, so yeah I definitely draw inspiration from that, as well as from some other survival and realism mods for Oblivion, and will try to make them even more interesting and engaging.


What I will try to do with TRO is give the player a reason to do all the little immersive things like walking instead of running, managing their character, cooking food, sleeping, bathing etc. and do it in such a way that remains connected to the game and the actions of the player, rather than contained in a clockwork script which ticks away evenly no matter what you do. Specifically basic needs should be tied to the actual gameplay. So your character will get tired sooner if you run everywhere, or fight a lot, and you will want to conserve your strength for the battles ahead (hence either buy a horse or walk to where you're going). A lowly mage apprentice will get exhausted after a few fireballs, while a master mage may be able to take on a dragon or two without breaking a sweat. Whether you play a warrior, a mage, or anything in between, you will have to plan ahead, prepare for travels, fights, be mindful not to be caught out in the open when you're weak and tired (and can't see a thing because it got dark and you forgot to buy more torches).


So while I'm starting from the legacy of previous realism mods, I am hoping to have a successful go at creating a more complex, intuitive and dynamic system which changes according to how you play and which feels more natural, hence more immersive.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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wow sounds very very interesting!!!


make the light by candles and torches and other fires more random..


they all are the same bright and color.. it gets boring..


make some lower, and some brighter candles, also some candles are more white some are more red..



in reality there should be more variety.. also even if its dark.. a dim light could help you see - i mean maybe add a tiny little bit more brightness for the eyes in darkness.. (make the player able to see a bit better in darkness - so that low lights are already enogh..)


i mean all the peeps living in caves.. they dont have so much money for infinite candlöes burning everywhere


add the option to switch off candles and maybe make the owner not so much souspicious but nerved by it (always the wind blows out the candles), and making it on again, while you are waitng there in the shadow ;))


and dont make bandits always be 100% alarmed.. i mean living in the woods some badnits / friends.. they dont always jump up in the middle of the night with torches and weapons ready to attack.. you know that crack sound could be everything..

and they drank alcohol the other night, making fun, one peep could be going to piss.. and leather armor is okay, but not everyone is sleeping in heavy armor all night and day..


in cold areas they should sleep inside the tent, which should be closed so a thief could steal the rest of the meals and leave unseen into the night..



but if the player killed a bandit camp nearby the other day, its okay, they should be alarmed then..


but not as a default..


for the fights.. maybe less peoples but better trained would be great.. aswell if two men are fighting the rest should wait a little, because they could hit themselves..


dont like it 5 AI mobs running after you swinging their swords wildly.. thats not so realistic..

Edited by Doktorfrost
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So your character will get tired sooner if you run everywhere, or fight a lot, and you will want to conserve your strength for the battles ahead (hence either buy a horse or walk to where you're going). A lowly mage apprentice will get exhausted after a few fireballs, while a master mage may be able to take on a dragon or two without breaking a sweat.


Be careful how you balance that. I remember playing some realism mod on Oblivion or Fallout, can't remember which one, where I fought so hard that my character was out of energy at like 3pm. So I went straight to bed. Because he couldn't sleep for 15 hours, the mod woke my character up at around 2am, and unable to wait/sleep anymore (because it's realism mod, eh), I had to go on like this, in the dead of the night. So much for immersion... Moreover, after a few days I was unphased, I had to sleep during the day because otherwise my character was too tired, and was totally unable to sleep more because of the limit imposed by the mod.


Really, it felt so unrealistic.

Edited by Hoptic
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astonishing concept, except i think the idea of having it detect you as committing a crime while undetected is absolutely stupid. that alone would cause me to never use this mod. there is no reason for guards to come after you and you owe money to the empire for something no one knows you ever did. i highly suggest you remove it from your list of priorities.
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astonishing concept, except i think the idea of having it detect you as committing a crime while undetected is absolutely stupid. that alone would cause me to never use this mod. there is no reason for guards to come after you and you owe money to the empire for something no one knows you ever did. i highly suggest you remove it from your list of priorities.


No no, the idea is not to add bounty to your head or have guards come after you, rather the general populace gets suspicious about you if you commit crimes. Sort of, "have you noticed stuff goes missing as soon as *he* rieds into town?" sort of thing. I don't plan on everyone hating you as soon as you steal something, if I do put something like that in, it will be very gradual, so you'll have to at least rob several people blind before others start looking at you weird.


And you can always buy everyone a round or two at the inn, they'll forgive you. Charming fellow like that, and we thought he was the thief! Hah! ;)

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So your character will get tired sooner if you run everywhere, or fight a lot, and you will want to conserve your strength for the battles ahead (hence either buy a horse or walk to where you're going). A lowly mage apprentice will get exhausted after a few fireballs, while a master mage may be able to take on a dragon or two without breaking a sweat.


Be careful how you balance that. I remember playing some realism mod on Oblivion or Fallout, can't remember which one, where I fought so hard that my character was out of energy at like 3pm. So I went straight to bed. Because he couldn't sleep for 15 hours, the mod woke my character up at around 2am, and unable to wait/sleep anymore (because it's realism mod, eh), I had to go on like this, in the dead of the night. So much for immersion... Moreover, after a few days I was unphased, I had to sleep during the day because otherwise my character was too tired, and was totally unable to sleep more because of the limit imposed by the mod.


Really, it felt so unrealistic.


To be honest, I never understood the sleeping limitation. Perhaps they wanted to prevent people from using sleep to heal themselves?

Regardless, there won't be any resting limits in TRO. The only limits you will have to keep in mind are food and water. You could rest for a week, but you'll have to eat and drink or else you'll die. Other than that, you can just lie in bed all day. ;)

As for running out of energy in the middle of the day, entirely possible. Hey, after a hard battle or two, who's asking what time it is, if you're tired, you're tired. And, since sleep will not regenerate health, players will not be able to abuse the fact that they will be able to set up camp pretty much anywhere.

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Bow aiming might work for first person, but a lot of people like to play in third, so removing crosshairs would make archery impossible that way. I doubt it's a lot of work, so I may include it as an option for those who prefer it.

Yeah, don't screw with the cross-hairs, the reason why they exist in games is so that people don't get motion sickness. I would not recommend removing them.


My ideas to add to this -


Duel Wielding - My suggestion is this. Make a perk in the one handed tree that If while duel wielding someone does a power attack, time slows down so that you get a chance to dodge out of the way. Could make it a multiple perk sink as well, so that you can get like 30/60/100 or 50/100, so it's more of a chance thing. This would be similar to quick reflexes perk in Blocking tree, but probably less time involved. Just enough that you can dodge out of the way.


I would also suggest that potions help curb the bleed out effect, lowering the amount you bleed out as well as including increasing your health back up as normal. A potion would probably have stuff in it that makes you clot faster to help close up wounds.


Add a winter cloak or something that could be wore over armor or something to help curb elemental effects.


It would certainly be interesting to make sleeping a requirement. Right now as a werewolf, I have only slept like a total of 12 times. one of the last ones was simply to meet the dark brotherhood.

Edited by AndrewWaltfeld
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