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Total Realism Overhaul


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When removing fast travel, please if possible add the option to buy a cart and a driver for your cart. Thus giving you the ability to use the map to tell him where to drive, then you just sit back in the cart and watch nature pass you by. Or you could drive the cart yourself and be a real trader. A spell could allow you to push the cart if it gets stuck.


You get raided by bandits occasionally while on the road so if you are on auto-journey you can stop the cart and fight then tell the driver where to go again via map fast travel system and continue to watch the journey.


*edit* Also, you occasionally lose a wheel or your axle breaks so you need to go into town to buy a new one then return to your cart. You can only carry one wheel or axle at a time, so you can carry around a spare but if you forget then you'll have to make the journey into town without the cart.

Edited by vardath
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I like how everyone wants attacks that can kill you instantly if you don't worry about every eventuality [ring that protects from ALL TEH DAMAGE!]. However, this isn't Dark Souls :wallbash: and, while it may be more "realisitic" without the means [gameplay mechanics] to sustain ways of avoiding damage (and let's face it, most of the time in the ES you either tank the damage or die) all these OHKO [EDIT: OHKO=One Hit KO :hurr: ] ideas are infeasible and will make for a VERY un-fun game.


Unless you're a masochist, then all the power to ya.

Edited by Jagex
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I like how everyone wants attacks that can kill you instantly if you don't worry about every eventuality [ring that protects from ALL TEH DAMAGE!]. However, this isn't Dark Souls :wallbash: and, while it may be more "realisitic" without the means [gameplay mechanics] to sustain ways of avoiding damage (and let's face it, most of the time in the ES you either tank the damage or die) all these OHKO [EDIT: OHKO=One Hit KO :hurr: ] ideas are infeasible and will make for a VERY un-fun game.


Unless you're a masochist, then all the power to ya.


I'm sorry, but if you want a game where you can run around naked while a dragon is chomping on you, well, there's vanilla. I do not plan on making a frustrating mod, but I do intend to make one which does require planning, preparation and actually trying something else than blindly charging in and pressing attack.


You will be able to tank damage, if you get quality armor and are skilled in it's use, but not against everything. And there will be very effective means of avoiding damage, both mundane and magical. From buffed up wards which can serve as effective shields against physical weapons, to blocking which actually matters and doesn't force you to use a shield in order to effectively protect yourself. But you will HAVE to use those methods in many situations, or you will get pwned. I want to reward player skill, which can be expressed in alternating between defence and attack (you know how in vanilla, almost every head on charge ends up in both of you hitting each other - that will be a BAD idea in TRO), picking the right spells, setting up the stage properly, choosing the right tools for the job, making priorities etc. There are so many variations in this game, it's really a shame that most of combat boils down to the same thing, when it could be so much more engaging.

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The way equipment is balanced, priced, distributed, etc. needs a huge amount of work.


When browsing the Skyrim.esm in TESsnip, I found some encouraging signs: It appears that Bethesda left fragments of the equipment durability system in the game - We may be able to replace it more easily than one would initially fear. (But maybe not, I didn't check just how much is still there.)


High level weapons and armour should be made extremely rare, and the materials used to make it just as much so. Iron would be the most common material in Skyrim, with steel slightly more rare but still pretty common. Dwarven should not be smithable, since, like most Dwemer inventions, the secret has long since been lost (It should still be upgradable though, because it doesn't take an engineering genius to sharpen a blade at a grindstone). Elven should be rarer than steel but more common than dwarven stuff, since it can still be made. Glass should be rebalanced completely, but only if we can get weapon durability working - Glass swords should be used for the same reason glass swords were used in real life: They are very fragile, but incredibly sharp.


Ebony should be like glass but stronger and rarer, since ebony in the Elder Scrolls in a volcanic glass anyway, if I remember correctly. Daedric should be made harder to forge, probably requiring some sort of fancy magic ritual to do so.


Basically, everything would be more expensive, because swords and such are not cheap implements, but iron and steel would still be fairly cheap whereas everything better than that would curve upwards in price and rarity quite a bit. (Though still be found occasionally - Skyrim has ebony mines, Dwemer ruins, so on and so forth, after all).

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I want to reward player skill, which can be expressed in alternating between defence and attack (you know how in vanilla, almost every head on charge ends up in both of you hitting each other - that will be a BAD idea in TRO), picking the right spells, setting up the stage properly, choosing the right tools for the job, making priorities etc. There are so many variations in this game, it's really a shame that most of combat boils down to the same thing, when it could be so much more engaging.


While I like this philosophy, it sounds very difficult to avoid forcing players into certain rutines, which is what you want to abandon with the mod. Unless of course you don't mind that at all, as long as your new rutines are more "realistic" or varied?

All in all, I really like the sound of this as it should make my Jack-of-all-Trades more valid.


Another random suggestion: Make magic Bags of Holding (like D&D) that are extradimensional spaces allowing a lot of stuff to be carried. I imagine these really expensive and inaccessible during combat. These may make wagons and pack mules kind of redundant, but that is of course balance with availability.

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I want to reward player skill, which can be expressed in alternating between defence and attack (you know how in vanilla, almost every head on charge ends up in both of you hitting each other - that will be a BAD idea in TRO), picking the right spells, setting up the stage properly, choosing the right tools for the job, making priorities etc. There are so many variations in this game, it's really a shame that most of combat boils down to the same thing, when it could be so much more engaging.


While I like this philosophy, it sounds very difficult to avoid forcing players into certain rutines, which is what you want to abandon with the mod. Unless of course you don't mind that at all, as long as your new rutines are more "realistic" or varied?

All in all, I really like the sound of this as it should make my Jack-of-all-Trades more valid.



The idea is that the potential is already there - you have so many varied enemies in the game, but currently they are all designed so that no matter what class combo the player has, they can pretty much take them on in a same way. A warrior will always be successful by just going in there and bashing them to death, a mage will always have success by stagger-locking them down, there are no weapon immunities (for example werevolves and spectres should be only vulnerable to magic, magical weapons and silver, like it was in Morrowind), elemental resistances are far too weak to be really noticeable, so there is really no big reason to switch from various elemental attacks, armor sets do not differ enough in the protection/limitations so there is no real reason not to go heavy armor all the way, etc.

This has the unfortunate effect of making every enemy in the game susceptible to the same approach, whatever works best for the character you play. So, instead of forcing players to constantly adapt their approach, the game caters to the as wide an audience as possible by being universally adapted to whatever you play, resulting in an evened-out experience. Which, for some of us, translates to boring-after-a-while.


Make no mistake, TRO won't be for the faint of heart. It WILL be possible to encounter impossible odds, unless you are running endgame with best gear, skills and/or magic. It will be possible to mess things up so that you end up fighting for bare survival. For example run out of torches in the middle of a Falmer den and try to get out without stepping on a chaurus. Or get poisoned by a frost spider without antidotes handy, and die before you manage to reach the nearest town with an apothecary.


Basically, TRO is not about allowing everything for everyone. It's a mod for people who, like me, enjoy the journey more than getting there.

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