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Total Realism Overhaul


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Stuff you said


Ok 3 questions:


Can you poo?

Can you actually kill people with an arrow to the head? Or a sword to the unshielded body?

Can you make campfires for times at night where you can wait?


1. Yes, and you can throw it at enemies for fear effect.

2. Yes, and yes. With small swords, probably gonna have to hit them two, three times.

3. Yes.*


*or better said, you will once I get my hands on the CS. Also, only two of the above are true.

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With small swords, probably gonna have to hit them two, three times.



Other things = awesome


But surely a small sword would wound and then kill almost immediately? I mean, they would be down and not able to fight thats for sure.


Unless there was armour or something, which would be almost impossible for smaller swords to take on.

Edited by chocolambot
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With small swords, probably gonna have to hit them two, three times.



Other things = awesome


But surely a small sword would wound and then kill almost immediately? I mean, they would be down and not able to fight thats for sure.


Unless there was armour or something, which would be almost impossible for smaller swords to take on.


Weapons have to be balanced against each other. There has to be some incentive to use two handed weapons as opposed to going with a single handed one + shield. The incentive is that if you want to kill or almost kill your enemy with one hit, use a big two handed weapon. Smaller weapons will still be much more lethal than vanilla, considering right now you sometimes have to hit someone 30+ times to kill them.

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i have a suggestion to remove wait function. or at least give it a limit so you can't just wait for a month on a spot or even more than 2 hours for example. because like in real life it would be too boring to bear, right? if u wanna pass time go to tavern and book a room or make a camp fire. or maybe just pass time in tavern, like drinking and gambling and such. i already don't use wait but i don't want any temptations like with fast travel. >_< what do u think?


oh and maybe your player can play flute or drum after completing some quests in a bard's college. ^_^ that would be fun

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- Seems silly to not include food that rots because one person likes to decorate their house with it. If that's the goal, then it's easy to get around that with scripting, ie. only check the players inventory, job done. It's been a real problem for eons and it might make people buy food from the inns instead of hoarding it in their backpacks. I'd just change the leveled lists to contain rotted food for containers, especially crypts, but hey, no big deal, i can do this myself.


Stamina & Magicka

- Regen depending on eating a healthy meal regularly seems like a good idea.


The dead

- hunting animals remove food from dead bodies

- Dead bodies decay, flies, disease.

- people remove and bury them and in cities

- bodies are looted



- hit hard but miss/glance/dodge often. Higher skill versus enemy = more hits, quicker death. Getting hit hard with a sword without armor and not defending will most likely kill/incapacitate anyone

- Arrows hit too often, larger variations due to wind, distance etc..but ought to hit hard

- A bow in hand-2-hand combat ought to be a really dumb idea, ie you'll end up dead quickly

- Being attacked from the wrong side ought to work similar to a sneak attack. Those pesky bears.

- Less variation on damage done with weapons, a sword is a sword is a sword... but harder [better] materials might equate into more armor penetration = more damage, better durability [less need to repair].

- I like the need to keep your weapons honed. Blunt weapons don't really need honing, they have no edge.

- weapons ought to simply wear out and become beyond repair [perhaps unless magical?] given enough time and usage. Reduced durability over usage. Might give people an incentive to use their 'special' weapons conservatively and use poorer equipment on the rabble

Edited by punxdog
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In respect to combat in Skyrim, there are way too many things to change/add to realize realism.


You have very good ideas but the other npc should also benefit from the changes.

Changes to the AI is of course necessary to apply them.

I would like to see many new changes in the way they think while combating. Just stop always swinging swords, we need variety. combat is a staple in Skyrim.

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