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Total Realism Overhaul


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Mansh00ter, about timescale. I also think that 1:1 idea is not that great of idea but a little slowdown maybe is in order. I'm already playing through tweaked console command in 1:5 mode instead of 1:20 default and it feels a lot more realistic to me. time still flows but just not SUPER fast like always. i could just change it anyway when u release your mod but it would affect hunger/thirst systems you implemented so i kinda wanna know what u think.


punxdog, about rotting food. If someone plays super hardcore realistic mode i don't think they would just stupidly hoard food and etc. I'd still buy it in taverns or traders just for the role-playing hell of it. but if u have a time line not only on your hunger but also on your inventory food it really becomes just annoying chore which Mansh00ter tries to avoid, i like that he's sticking to that. plus with the new weight ideas implemented you don't have spare space for hoarding anyway.


I do plan on having a little option in the settings menu, once I make it, which will allow you to modify the timescale to your liking, so that won't be a problem.


And yeah, as hooost said, you won't be hoarding food because you won't be able to carry that much, maybe a few days worth. Later, I plan to add the option of combining food items into travel rations which will be more tightly packed and you will be able to carry more of them, for those longer journeys into the wild.

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Something else I was thinking of, and this ties in to your idea for darker nights and darker caves, is reworking the sneak function to be more realistic based on the amount of light. Maybe there could be bonuses for sneaking at night, in the dark or in a storm (because of the reduced visibility), and penalties for sneaking in the day or in brightly light areas. It would also be pretty cool if enemies had to carry torches, build fires or cast spells to see in the dark.


Any way you could implement a way to extinguish/douse open flames to give you a sneak bonus (à la Thief)? Maybe even a darkness spell if this is possible. There are light spells, so why not darkness?

Edited by chewmanfu
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Finally the last page haha (for now)...


1) I really hope you at least consider the option to work in a team (Me<- I can't mod sadly...)

This mod has to be made as fast as possible with the greatest amount of quality possible... One viewpoint may overlook certain 'mistakes' and many different people can create a better quality work... like using the works of artists for bodymeshes... (Faces, Natural (nude) bodies,...)


2) In my opinion what you should be looking at should not be a REALISM mod but a realistic feel mod... complementing and balancing the whole fantasy genre with realistic suggestions

(like adding pale blue tint when it gets cold (psychological effects [3D would be the most awesome psychological effect, but that would possibly require the abilities of a genius]);

but also ingame suggestions

like to make the beginning a little better you can plant three corpses near the place you were cought, two with damaged leather armor... and a little further away (hidden) a small diggsite or stone pyramid where the character hid a box in which is found a spell crystal (tome) 'Conjuration Auriel's Equipment [light pale golden and green elven Armor, pale golden katana(sword), auriels shield, bow, staff] to be used only by the reincarnate (that would be my character)... 'the last piece' [an artefact which looks like a mechanical box with six sockets on the sides in which 5 have crystals (gems) in it and 2 corners on opposite sides have small 'rods']... and four letters Nr 1 with a seal of 3 circles (one in the other) giving you congratulations on becoming a fullfledged member and giving you the orders the oracle has bestowed upon you... Go and find the thief of the last piece, kill him and retrieve the item... Go to the golden saint and retrieve the artefact... Investigate current political movements across skyrim and bring back information of a 'friend' (the mole of a particular secret society)... (Nr 2) The second letter contains writting of the golden saint demanding more money... (Nr3) the third letter again from the golden saint to meet at said place for a smooth transfer... (Nr4) A letter of a 'friend' to postpone the meeting... as his mother has become sick and he has no time... The 1 and 4 are written in code... 1 - Speaking about having reached adulthood and like 'the rabbit' having gone and destroyed the last piece of furniture that was whole aso... // like this the whole thing becomes a little more edgy... what is the mysterious order you belong to... what is the oracle...


3) Take a quick look at http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/479402-hardcore-realism-mod/

for my 2 posts... to complement thoughts that you have... (I currently am trying to create a (theoretical) intrinsic true cycle system of how things could be realistical in the TES fantasy setting...)


4) I hope that before you implement ideas you think about the setting... like the idea of "no dwarven smithing… because this is stupid… master smiths can derive certain qualities of metals and equipment and experiment to make swords and armor 'dwarvenlike'"

You should also review your own findings and look at how skyrim works and how certain levers used in the game work... because you probably dont have to delete as much as you think... it is probably more often the case that you have to change certain values and add a few tweaks and mods...


like for example modders can create a giant redeyed bunnyrabbith (this would be great as a mocking to replace spiders- for arachnophobic people) and worgs (giant wolves), giant eagles (ala LotR), sheeps made from goats...


You get the drift?

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I love the stuff here. I found this thread while searching to find if there was a way to turn off the regenerating health. Really glad to see it's on the agenda.


Re food, this probably isn't possible, but I think it would be cool for food to effect your rate of stamina / magic regen and your max stamina and health rather than directly resupply those attributes.


So I guess hunger would be measured, and when you were hungry:

- your stamina regen would be say 50% slower

- your stamina may max out at 50% of normal

- your magic would regen 50% slower

- your health would max out at 50% of normal


And when you were well fed and well rested maybe it would push those things up to 120%.


That would be awesome. Currently theres just no reason to eat. Taking a potion or something to fill up my stamina is fair enough, but theres no substitute for real wild boar pie when it comes to getting back to the top of your game!

Edited by cr0wn3r
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Something else I was thinking of, and this ties in to your idea for darker nights and darker caves, is reworking the sneak function to be more realistic based on the amount of light. Maybe there could be bonuses for sneaking at night, in the dark or in a storm (because of the reduced visibility), and penalties for sneaking in the day or in brightly light areas.



thats already in skyrim from default.

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Re food, this probably isn't possible, but I think it would be cool for food to effect your rate of stamina / magic regen and your max stamina and health rather than directly resupply those attributes


Well the idea is remove hp regen and only have it replenished by magic, potions, bandages etc. Even if you didn't install the section of the mod that removes hp regen, it wouldn't make sense for food to increase that regen.


I'm not sure exactly what's planned but I would imagine the food/hunger requirements will work off a different attribute or set of stats rather than directly affecting hp?

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