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Total Realism Overhaul


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I like everything except:

?suspicion; sneaking around, committing crimes (even when undetected) and other anti-social activities lower the players reputation with that city, which incurs various penalties, such as raised prices in shops and inns, higher bounties for detected crimes etc. Decreases over time, or with socially acceptable activities, such as donating to local temples, handing out charity to beggars or buying rounds at the local inn

Most particularly:

(even when undetected)
Makes no sense and is not realistic. Sounds like more chickens and horses reporting you for stealing... which, from what people say is already in the game. In life, if you saw some guy in a "skyrim" sneak moving down the street what would you think? You'd be like wtf is up with this dude... not like "ooo better keep an eye on him".

I do agree with:

higher bounties for detected crimes
as the current fines are extremely petty. Perhaps in this portion you could include the added hit to player reputation.


Other than my petty gripes, I do like your idea, as I loved the realism mods for FO3. Keep up the good work.

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Hi, my name is Rachel :laugh: This is my first post!


First of all I have never ever had the slightest interest in playing a PC game, until Skyrim. In fact I have never played an Elder Scrolls game before, which I quite regret. :sad: *sigh* (sad thing is I owned oblivion and sold it) What’s done is done….anyway, my brother told me he was going to get the game for PC. I asked him why, and his simple reply was “the modding community.” I didn’t think much of it and later got skyrim for ps3. I played the game and fell in love, so much so that I decided to research EVERYTHING that pertained to skyrim, mods, glitches, etc. My brother told me to visit a website called skyrim nexus, thus here I am.


One thing that I just can’t seem to understand is how you “modders” are capable of doing these things. Even such simple things to you guys as texturing. I didn’t even know what “vanilla” meant, but based off of observation, I understand it to be synonymous with “original”. So, what you guys do is amazing to me. Kudos!


Sorry I digress from the main point of this topic…as for me, these are some things I would love to see implemented. Forgive me if they seem, how should I say a little feminine, I can’t help it >_<


1) Further versatility in weather patterns: For example, rain. Yes I know it rains, but it would be nice to see light rain on some days, and a total down pour on others. And perhaps not even just for a day, it would be very interesting if the heavy torrential rains lasted a couple days. I love rain, what can I say :sweat:


2) Horses: I love horses. One of my hopes before I started playing the vanilla version was that I could own multiple horses and own a stable of some sort. Well I guess technically you can own several horses but, they remain at the site of purchase. I don’t care much for that. :down:


3) Intense Destruction Spells: the idea of summoning a high level lightning spell where lightning strikes from the sky and hits the enemy is awesome


4) Journal: to have a quill, pen and journal to document the events of your travels while enjoying the beautiful night sky is an enjoyable, calming activity


5) Diverse wildlife: the current selection of animals is sufficient but I believe could be better. While I was swimming in the cold waters to the north (not realistic whatsoever), I thought to myself how nice it would be to see a large whale swim right past me. Killer whales, Blue whales, Beluga whales are all known to swim in arctic waters. Another nice addition to the fauna list would be perhaps vultures feasting on a corpse (be it animal or human).


6) Dogs: First I would love, love, love, to have different types of dogs in skyrim. Beagles, Siberian huskies, wolf dogs (half wolf, half dog), greyhounds, mastiffs, etc. Perhaps not necessarily these breeds (most current dogs today did not exist back then), just something to give variety to the selection of dogs available.


7) Puppies!!!!!!: I think it would be so cool to purchase or find a puppy and raise it. It would actually develop and grow with you. Teach it to help you hunt for wild game. Finding a litter of wolf cubs in a cave and taking one while the mother is not around would be awesome. This is quite extensive I know, but I can dream can’t I? :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


8) Underwater Flora: I love water and I love to swim. But when I go underwater, I see the same plants, and it’s rather simple and there’s not much to look at. I would love to see an actual ecosystem in lakes or rivers. Different plants, interesting looking fish etc.


9) Realistic swimming: a perfect model for realistic swimming would be assassin’s creed revelations Not Assassin’s creed 1, unfortunately the protagonist of that game can’t swim. ;)


10) Fishing & setting up camp: such a great addition.


11) I have others but they were all already mentioned by many so I will omit them.


12) Well, I suppose if you want TOTAL REALISM from a female’s perspective, you guys do know that women’s legs do not stay naturally bare, armpits included. And don’t forget that time of the month. Hahahhaa I jest, I just had to put that in. ;D


I’m very excited for this game, and the world of modding, I still have to learn how to do it, but I am very eager to learn.


p.s. I have noticed that the “I_________________, till I took an arrow to the knee” seems like an inside joke for skyrim players. I’m glad I finally get it :smile:

Edited by rurutia8
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Have to say that I'm really looking forward to this project, a lot of interesting ideas, just hope it'll all come down to be balanced and enjoyable obviously ;) .


I must say that when I read "Wolf dogs" I actually interpretated Hot Dogs and started laughing like an idiot xD .


Anyhow good luck for your work and drink some skooma to ease the job :) .

Edited by jasonreborn
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Hi, my name is Rachel :laugh: This is my first post!


First of all I have never ever had the slightest interest in playing a PC game, until Skyrim. In fact I have never played an Elder Scrolls game before, which I quite regret. :sad: *sigh* (sad thing is I owned oblivion and sold it) What’s done is done….anyway, my brother told me he was going to get the game for PC. I asked him why, and his simple reply was “the modding community.” I didn’t think much of it and later got skyrim for ps3. I played the game and fell in love, so much so that I decided to research EVERYTHING that pertained to skyrim, mods, glitches, etc. My brother told me to visit a website called skyrim nexus, thus here I am.


One thing that I just can’t seem to understand is how you “modders” are capable of doing these things. Even such simple things to you guys as texturing. I didn’t even know what “vanilla” meant, but based off of observation, I understand it to be synonymous with “original”. So, what you guys do is amazing to me. Kudos!

Hi there.

Just wanted to say that none of us had much knowledge either about PCs or modding before we actually learned. Sometimes it takes a while.

I also cant mod anything, even if im a PC gamer for a long while now, so im here making suggestions and hoping some will stick.


Vanilla means unmoded game, as it was released originally, yes.


For a newbie you make some nice suggestions.

And i also would certainly like to see some Orcas and more dangerous fish in general or interesting things below the surface.


Also, now that you got your first taste of PC gaming, there are quite a few excellent games out there that never went to consoles, so you will have a lot to explore.



Edited by VreyAar
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Love the idea - I had some of these myself but don't know enough about the scripting to pull it off. However, whilst it's a great idea, I think that you are going to have to totally rebalance the game to the point where it could break the fun because too much realism will just make it frustrating and painful to play.


My advice would be to pay greatest attention to the combat as this is really the key aspect of the fun. Two or three arrows and your dead - that sort of stuff will be frustrating as hell because it's so easy for one bandit to rush at you whilst another stands in the distance and pops an arrow in your ass whilst your not looking - stuff like that will become a PIA very quickly. Ask yourself how long can someone spend in the world just trying to survive before they get bored?


Don't introduce 100s of changes at once - try 5 at time and see how they go, get the feedback, tweak and move on. Not trying to burst your bubble here, just your ideas amount to a new game really.


The cold exposure is a must! Maybe carrying a hand axe to chop firewood to make a cosy fire in the wilds would be nice - also could ward off wild animals. Being surrounded by a hungry pack of wolfs that won't come near you until the fire dies down.


Dont know if the game has it already - but a teleportation spell that sends you a short distance away and leaves you utterly drained could be one way to avoid dieing too easily.


Have less Dragon encounters - I tend not to fast travel very much, but in doing so, I've noticed that Dragon encounters get more and more frequent if you are wandering the land. This becomes a pain if you are just trying to make it to your next destination and you encounter 2 or 3 Dragons.


Good luck - I hope you pull it off! I'd love to try it out if you get it off the ground.

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Hi, my name is Rachel :laugh: This is my first post!


Welcome to the forums ^^


One thing to remember is that you can add a lot of different mods at time, and while your suggestions will improve the whole immersion they don't necessarily need to be included in this mod, or one single mod.


2) Horses: I love horses. One of my hopes before I started playing the vanilla version was that I could own multiple horses and own a stable of some sort. Well I guess technically you can own several horses but, they remain at the site of purchase. I don’t care much for that. :down:


I would expec to see a bunch of different horse mods after the CK comes out. Mods that give you FPV, or allow combat on horseback, or let you own multiple horses. Maybe ones that let you treat your horse like a pet or companion, mods for different kinds of horses, different riding gaits. I hope ManshOOter's mod will put in realistic stuff like having to stable them and take care of them a bit more, instead of leaving them randomly standing in the wilderness while you go off and do quests.


I'd say the same for things like dogs, puppies, paper to write on etc - people will be doing loads of separate mods like this.


3) Intense Destruction Spells: the idea of summoning a high level lightning spell where lightning strikes from the sky and hits the enemy is awesome

Somethng like this is already in the game ;) you just have to find where it's hidden


5) Diverse wildlife: the current selection of animals is sufficient but I believe could be better. While I was swimming in the cold waters to the north (not realistic whatsoever), I thought to myself how nice it would be to see a large whale swim right past me. Killer whales, Blue whales, Beluga whales are all known to swim in arctic waters. Another nice addition to the fauna list would be perhaps vultures feasting on a corpse (be it animal or human).

8) Underwater Flora: I love water and I love to swim. But when I go underwater, I see the same plants, and it’s rather simple and there’s not much to look at. I would love to see an actual ecosystem in lakes or rivers. Different plants, interesting looking fish etc.

This is something I'm planning to do. I want to spend between now and January making some models for water creatures, and then find a scripter to put them in the game.


12) Well, I suppose if you want TOTAL REALISM from a female’s perspective, you guys do know that women’s legs do not stay naturally bare, armpits included. And don’t forget that time of the month. Hahahhaa I jest, I just had to put that in. ;D

I'm playing Morrowind while I wait for the CK to come out and installed the Necessities mod, and I was a bit startled to be informed that my character was menstruating. It didn't seen to have any effect on my stats, however.

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Love the idea - I had some of these myself but don't know enough about the scripting to pull it off. However, whilst it's a great idea, I think that you are going to have to totally rebalance the game to the point where it could break the fun because too much realism will just make it frustrating and painful to play.


My advice would be to pay greatest attention to the combat as this is really the key aspect of the fun. Two or three arrows and your dead - that sort of stuff will be frustrating as hell because it's so easy for one bandit to rush at you whilst another stands in the distance and pops an arrow in your ass whilst your not looking - stuff like that will become a PIA very quickly. Ask yourself how long can someone spend in the world just trying to survive before they get bored?


Don't introduce 100s of changes at once - try 5 at time and see how they go, get the feedback, tweak and move on. Not trying to burst your bubble here, just your ideas amount to a new game really.


The cold exposure is a must! Maybe carrying a hand axe to chop firewood to make a cosy fire in the wilds would be nice - also could ward off wild animals. Being surrounded by a hungry pack of wolfs that won't come near you until the fire dies down.


Dont know if the game has it already - but a teleportation spell that sends you a short distance away and leaves you utterly drained could be one way to avoid dieing too easily.


Have less Dragon encounters - I tend not to fast travel very much, but in doing so, I've noticed that Dragon encounters get more and more frequent if you are wandering the land. This becomes a pain if you are just trying to make it to your next destination and you encounter 2 or 3 Dragons.


Good luck - I hope you pull it off! I'd love to try it out if you get it off the ground.

bursting of bubbles has been done in Oblivion. now it's mandatory must have changes, so don't worry about releasing everything at once.

it's called realism because in real life you have to pay attention to enemy numbers/positions/weapons or u'll die. if there's an archer and some melee targets find a cover first and figure out new moves, learn new tactics to survive instead of just hack 'n' slashing your way through the game. that's the whole point of this mod.

Edited by hooost
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