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Total Realism Overhaul


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I must say, you are amazing. Even the thought of taking a project as large as this one would scare most people away. As I am not a modder but a player, I have many ideas but no idea to what extent these suggestions would be possible, especially for followers. I have not read all of the suggestions and posts, so I am not sure if these have been mentioned before me. My ideas are for you to pick and choose:



-Followers keep a retained personality and can leisurely talk to you when not in combat. (For example, the Companions. During the questline, you get to know and (like) them. When they are recruited as your follower, they are the same as if you first met them. They barely talk, or make noise for that matter, and seem to be a hollow person.)

-Almost everything that is being implemented (as in the hunger, thirst, sleep, etc.) to be applied to the follower. (Base to make the rest of the follower's ideas to work.)

-To be able to mention if they are hungry/thirsty/tired and to have their own bedroll and drinking pouch.

-To be able to assist you with your wounds (if bandages are put into the game).



-When an enemy says that they submit, they actually submit and do not just heal and continue to attack. You are then faced with the decision whether or not to kill them :whistling:

-NPC's wear leisure clothing when not in combat in a town.

-Dragons appear less often. Though Skyrim is filled with dragons, it seems like everywhere you go a dragon happens to appear.

-Dragons have certain spots where they are more vulnerable to certain weapons, such as the wings with arrows and their hide with melee weapons/magic.

-Traps alert enemies, some more than others. For example, a crate of falling rocks will attract many enemy's attention, while poison arrows being shot will attract them less.

-Using magic, fire and lightning will actually burn the enemy, not just cause pain.


~General Ideas

-An animation to go with eating, drinking (potions/water/alcohol), and changing armor.

-The ability to remove quest items from your inventory.

-"Sweetspots" on armor where skin is showing and receives more damage than if the armor is hit.

-Torches go out over time or with weather conditions, such as rain, and can be re-lit via magic or campfires.

-Embalming tools can be used to remove the pelt/skin from animals and people (as I believe Human Flesh is an alchemy ingredient).

-With food comes over-eating and starvation. Body weight (along with carrying capacity and speed) changes with the diet.

-Poison is (permanent) until antivenom/antipoison is used or is cured over time. Poison does not last long in game and is hardly a factor.

-Werewolves, going along with the durability of armor/weapons, must remove armor, with the consequence being armor durability is substantially lowered.

-Dirt and grime form on you (along with blood after a fight) and stay on you until washed off.


As I said, I have no idea to what extent these are possible and they are purely to give ideas. Thank you for reading.

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When creating a comprehensive realism mod, I cannot stress enough the importance of making it configurable by the player. Preferences vary. Each player will have their own opinion on the ideal balance between realism and gameplay.


Instead of 1 person trying to hard-code all of the variables to meet his/her vision, variables such as the following should be set in an .ini file:


FatigueMultiplier = 1.3

ArmorProtectionMultiplier = 1.7

WeaponDamageMultiplier = .7

KnockBackMultiplier = 1.8

FatigueRegenRate = .5

HealthRegenRate = .5

ManaRegenRate = .5


This might be oversimplified and it might take dozens of variables but it would allow the community to tweak the values and share their .INI file with the public along with a description of how it affects play. Over time, the community will come up with the best combinations for different play styles.


Just my $0.02. :)

Edited by Ka3m0n
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if others have already written that because I only read the first post of the OP,so here are my suggestions:


* It is rediculous that when you jump on these bowls with fire in Whiterun that are used for lighting up the place,to not take fire damage.It should put yourself in fire if you did that.

* Getting inside a lake with boiling water in the volcanic areas and taking a bath is silly.Since you are inside boiling water,you should boil,and thus recieve heat damage.

* It is also very silly that you can dive naked in the Northern frozen ocean of Skyrim and surviving even if you are not a Nord. I mean water there should be like -30 Celcius degrees,which is lower than the temperature where water turns to ice.It would be reasonable to recieve frost damage when inside frozen water,and it would make the "ice steps" have an actual meaning and not being there just for the looks.

*If it is possible,please add slipping physics and animations. I mean hey,you walk or stand on 60 degrees surfaces,and when on horse even on 80 degrees! What are you,a spider ? If the ground the player is on is more vertical than a specific point,he should start slipping and fall down.

Edited by Alithinos
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Will we keep the quest indicators on the map? The dynamic quests in Skyrim typically do not have any indication of location except for that indicator.


Huh? Of course they have, the name of the location. I mean, as far as I know...

Anyway, as the OP said: the user will be able to choose to activate or deactivate most features of the mod.

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I must admit that was waiting for this kind of mod for Skyrim. I would go even further with the food issue and make it as it was in the Fallout 3 Wasteland Wanderers mod: food and drinks affects only hunger/ thirst; potions/spells as the only mean to restore hp. If you would think about it, makes sense.


- Don't know if it's possible but some quest descriptions in "the journal" would be great. Remember good ol' Morrowind with its quest descriptions pointing you a right direction? It would make even more sense with those planned compass and markers changes.


- Next thing is, it would be great to see more economics in Skyrim. For example buying or investing in a mine or mill.


- Would be great also to decrease maximum weight capability, making ruins plunder more realistic and demanding. Once upon a time my 5 year old niece asked me where my character hides 2 handed swords and all that stuff, and what do you think I said? In my pocket! :P So giving your character a backpack would be a good idea too.


- And at last, disabling inventory view in combat would be great too. Because it's somehow annoying that you can pop up inventory screen anytime you want and drink 20 healing potions at once.

Edited by Kyuushu
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A little mod I was going to start come the release had a similar goal.


Give gold pieces a weight value.




Imagine the repercussions of that?


If 1 gold weights 0.1, then you can no longer practically carry around 20,000 gold or whatever.


So what was my solution?


The bank of Skyrim (or some other name)


Features are to include:


An economic system (a gold ingot is worth, as a base, 100 gold pieces, but only weighs the same as 10 gold pieces, so you will want to carry gold ingots, initally, until you can open an account with the bank (requires a ludicrous initial sum like 5k or something). Then you will be able to purchase bills of accruement - essentially credit notes that you can trade in at any bank in skyrim - 1 in each city - for a sum in gold equal or lesser than the bill)


I also have the beginnings of some thieves guild missions and a new 'faction' - the knights of the pavilion, comprable to the templars as a semi religions order pledged to protect an institution.


Gold worth will fluctuate depending on how many ingots the central bank has (and basically, how many you buy off them). More raw gold THEY have, its price decreases, more raw gold YOU have, its price increases - so the balance is to stock up on ingots that can only be traded at a bank. Id like to include random events that alter its worth too...



ANYWAY, i like where you're going with this mod. Can't wait for it.

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