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Total Realism Overhaul


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Yeah, I remember Deadly Reflex, was one of my favourite mods. I was thinking something similar for the dual wielding folk, a dodge or some other way than outright blocking.


Why don't you just make 'middle mouse button' the block? It makes sense 'cause you could use it to cross the weapons over in a block

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Don't know if it's been suggested already but, you should have a look at Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, if you haven't already. The combat system in that game is still one of the best systems I have ever played. It could help with ideas for your mod, especially the melee combat system.


I second that, still I thought the combat-pace was waaaay too fast to be realistic (but it made the game super fun).


Yes by the way, I actually play a high elf, 100% mage, without any kind of armor. And my God she's fast when she runs. I think you could make walk-speed a little faster and run-speed MUCH slower. If you want to escape, you have to sprint and use stamina, in my opinion.


I also thought a bit about enemies' behaviour. Basically, non-humans attack you on sight (except Horkers), walking to you in a straight line. But imagine running into a Sabrecat, so like running into a lion: I don't expect it to just jump on me, like that. It'll be careful. It'll first stand his ground, waiting for movement, ready to strike. If you attack, it'll attack you back; if you run away, it might just stay where it is. Or it might run after you, and since it's faster than you (cm'on it's got four legs) the only way you'll slow it down would be by attacking it, wounding it.

Through this example I'm in fact suggesting two new "behaviour rules":

-first, a "chance-based" behaviour: an animal may or may not attack you on sight, it may or may not go by like you aren't there, it may or may not help you in combat, flee, stand its ground, be scared, and so on and so forth. Then it may or may not want to flee when wounded... There are enemies who are just not friendly, like skeletons and draugrs and dragons, but animals? Spriggans? ... So basically, include some probabilities in the behaviour.

-preventing you from escaping a difficult fight just by "running". A sabrecat is faster than you: you'd first have to wound it in order to slow it down, or to scare it so it won't come after you... Some Illusion spell might (at last!) come in handy, as well as the Stamina-damages from Ice magic.


I know the AI behaviour can be improved, it's been done in the past on Oblivion, FO3 and New Vegas (I was stunned by a mod in New Vegas, which I think was part of Arwen Realism tweaks, that made your enemies actually take cover, regroup, encircle you... vanilla NV was just guys running around, sometimes trying a lateral move but nothing more).

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It would be very cool if you added a blinking feature for when you become tired. So say you just slept, you are waking up, and looking at lights will force your character to have fuzzy vision for a little bit and force him to blink every now and then. When he becomes tired, he will start blinking and yawning, producing noise and blurred vision. When he finally become exhausted to the point of collapsing, his vision should become highly impaired and his eyes will begin to be half closed. I personally believe that this would be a very cool feature to have, where actual human traits in the eyes of an fps are added to the game. Blurry vision, clear vision, blinking and eyes adjusting to lights. If you are in the light, it should be difficult to see people that are in the dark. If you are in the dark, it should be easier to see in the dark after a decent period of time, and simple to see others that are standing in the light while you are in the dark.


I also believe you need to add crippling. If you are hit with a sword in the arm, that arm will be critically damaged and will need to be treated. During the time of it being crippled and useless, you may not use that arm. This works perfectly even if your sword is in your right hand and you lose the ability to use your right hand, then you can put your weapon in your left.


Using this, I also recommend adding a perk tree for using weapons in your right hand or left hand. (basically 2 separate one handed skills) because no one irl is talented in 1 handed fighting for both hands right off the bat, you must learn each individually and even then you need both arms / hands to be strong. Much like right handed writing and left handed writing. Therefore, if you lose your strong hand, and you have to put your blade in your left hand, it becomes much more difficult to fight, sloppiness, expend more energy, and even then, you do less damage.


Also add a bleeding factor. If you bleed, you create a scent, what does that mean? Animals are attracted to you from miles away, or in this case, at least a good distance away from you. Wolves are attracted to your scent, and want to come have some dinner, or lunch, or even breakfast. If you are bleeding, you are leaving a blood trail behind you until you patch yourself up. Also if you are bleeding, this should also relate to my first idea, where your vision will become blurred. Once you lose enough pints of blood, you will faint (and probably get eaten.) So, the more you move, the more your heart pumps, the more you bleed out. If you walk, or don't move, the blood loss should be minimal. Maybe you should also add a button to put pressure on the wound with your hand, therefore minimizing the bleed.


So then comes another idea. Doctors / The Medical Perk Tree. If you are saying diseases are going to be added, and if you also add bleeding, doctors are obviously needed in the game, and you'll have to pay a fair price to get treated OR if you can't pay, do a quest for them after they patch you up enough so you don't die on the quest. If you get treated but don't do the quest, that same doctor will not treat you again until you finish that quest or get the money. Therefore, adventurers are forced to run the errand as quickly as possible so that doctor will fully cure them and allow the adventurer to come back.


And therefore we come to another idea. NPC's getting sick and airborn diseases. You get a wife, she becomes sick, you get in bed together, now you are sick. No, I'm not talking about HIV's or STI's, I'm talking about in-game diseases spreading from character to character. Thus making it so you have to get your wife to a doctor, and yourself. Also, recommending people to doctor's will get you the chance to maybe even get a free check up / healing / disease removal from the doctor, for the added business. Even if a character coughs on you, you may attract a virus. Give a visual cue of your eyes blurring out green at the moment of conception of the virus and your character coughing into their hand. Letting you know, your character is sick.



And finally, my last idea for the time being. Coughing / vomiting / dizziness. If you are sick, your character may have the symptom of coughing, throwing up or getting dizzy. Coughing and vomiting will create noise, thus people will hear it if you are sneaking in a dungeon. Vomiting will attract animals due to the smell. Coughing will force your character to cough in their hand, this will be a visual cue to see how severe your sickness is. If you cough blood, their is internal bleeding, meaning you must see a doctor ASAP.


Okay and one more because I just thought of it. Companions! If you have a companion, and they are with you during your collapse, and you black out in game, they will take it up on themselves to take you (i.e. drag/carry you) to a doctor, or if you can, add a specialist tree for each companion, and allow the possibility for one of your companions to be trained in medicine to cure your of your sickness while you are out adventuring with them. Another good idea would be that since you are being carried by your companion, your companion will have to drop all your items in a bag (which would be nice) or simply just drop all your items except for the ones your are wearing (i.e. weapons and armor) while they carry you to a doctor. If you make it so you can have them drop a back down with all your items in it at the dungeon, you may try and head back and retrieve them. Everything except gold should be removed. OR if you are generous, your companion will only be able to carry you if you are only 25% full of your max item capacity.



So bam, these are some awesome ideas that I have to help you out. Hope you enjoy the ideas. Give me some feedback on what you think, or email me at [email protected] if you have more questions on these ideas. I love to help out with realism ideas like this, because I for one love the idea of role playing and realism. Thank you!


P.S. I did not proof read this because I got too lazy to check, so if some sentences make no sense, I do indeed apologize. ;)

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One bit that I might not have noticed, but otherwise didn't see get mentioned, how will poisons be worked out?

If a sword can go a ways to killing you with a single strike, I imagine a poisoned blade would pretty much end in death for anyone without resistance or magical healing (potion or spell).

But what would be the difference between a novice smearing some nasty mushroom extract on a blade, and a honed master creating a deadly elixir of void salts and falmer ear ("exotic" ingredients)?


Also wondering if there would be a significant upside to light armor in some regard (Get tired/hungry/thirst at a slower rate than when wearing full plate? Easier to dodge/greater dodge distance?) considering that while armor can no longer soak damage, I would realistically see heavier armors as the more desirable regardless. The only real downside to heavy armor aside from armor cap and aesthetics is the slower moment speed, which can be perked out of or removed with the steed stone, and noise that makes it difficult to sneak. Though that can also be reduced with the muffle perk, spell or enchantment.


Perhaps that the poison in early game is very limited, but very powerful later on.


And about the part about armors. I'm assuming light armor will add about 1 or 2 hits until you die, and heavy armor would add 2 or 3 . And no armor, you'd probably be down in 1 or 2 hits.


Clothing - 1 or 2 hits til you die

Light Armor - 2 or 3 hits till you die

Heavy Armor - 3 or 4 hits til you die.


Make sense? And is it reasonable?

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What would be excellent to add to this overhaul would be something like starting off as a child then to age over the years - that would be really something. Something like fallout but with customizing settings - so you can choose how fast you age and or how slow. I'm not exactly sure how this would work - guess I just thought about it at random. Like it would be cool to really build up a story behind it with being a child hunting fox's in the woods with his father, shooting with a poisened sling shot pellets. One day which he is oblivious to - he finds out he is dragon born. Idk...just a thought :)


So the child player would obviously have a lot less perks and skills to pick from and or varying as to how much he can level up with them. Possibly to advance furthur over the years he would have to study/ have schooling in that particular field. Something like that anyways. Just throwing ideas around :)

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Hey, new on here and I'm very interested in this new mod. I've read almost every post (up to december, so much readiiiiing) and if i could make a suggestion (not sure if it's possible or if someone's already made the suggestion, and if that's the case i apologize) but maybe you could make certain weak points for dragons? Like sending arrows into it's back wouldn't hurt it but under its belly? (also, hitting its wings to make it land?) Also, maybe completely remove the conditioning perk from heavy armor (no matter how skilled you are, that stuff's gonna slow you down) and when smithing armor or weapons, maybe make it so that when you do it, the game waits an hour in-game time? (you can't make complicated daedric armor in half a second) also maybe impliment crafting nails to be used for smithing? Just spouting out some random ideas (apologies for god-awefully long post)
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