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Total Realism Overhaul


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That insane auto-heal is really overpowered. I accept that the body can heal itself, but not at such a rate. What about the following:

If your health is above 75%, autoheal works, but it is slower.

If health is below 75%, we'll call it wounded and autoheal won't work anymore.


Alternative to the food system: Tales of Phantasia had a food bag and I really like that feature. You can put food into it (food items have different food values) and as long as there is food in the bag, you characters heal while moving through the game. If the bag is empty, auto-heal is off. That system was nice and easy to handle. It could be used to manage food easier. Maybe kJoule or calories as measure?


Would it be possible to remove the perk system and integrate it into skill growth? If you reach a certain skill value, you should receive the appropriate perk automatically. Get 20 points in blunt weapons and you will receive the novice perk. Get 40 and you will get the apprentice perk and so on.


The weapons and armour system should be made more realistic. Heavy armour should offer good protection, but slow you down and possibly reduce stamina regen by a small amount while light armour allows you to be fast and agile + sneaky.

Choosing a weapon should be a tactical choice. Most arrows and onehanded blade weapons shouldn't be able penetrate heavy armours. That's what maces, axes and hammers are there for. However, they are slower than blades. Twohanded weapons should really hurt and offer a reach bonus but at reduced speed.

Playing a twohanded fighter should force you to be either good at sidestepping or to invest in very heavy armour. Weapon and shield is a solid combo while dual-wielders have to rely on sneaking and quick ambushes. Only the shield (and heavy armours) should be able to properly block arrows. Twohanded warriors and dual-wielders can parry normal attacks with their weapons though, but heavy weapons should be able to crush through blocks from time to time and axes should add bonus damage to shields (Mount & Blade anyone?).

It should also be possible to break shields.


Perks should be connected with the weapons:

Blades and axes have a chance to inflict bleeding.

Hammers and maces should ignore several %s of the enemy's armour.

Edited by Bismarck
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Hi I'm new here, and I've been looking through other survival mods and out of all of them, I think this one will be the best. I love all of the ideas, especially the ones that add more immersion such as eating and drinking.



I have a few questions though:

1. Will Dragon scale armor still be epic in defense, even though it is Light Armor? You said dragons would be overhauled in power, and arrows would probably just bounce off of their scales, so just how much stronger or weaker will the armor be?


2.Will relaxing in the hot springs ever have any effects? Some parts of the hot springs shouldn't be too hot since you can find some hunters relaxing in them. It would be cool if sitting in the springs for a while gave you a temporary buff, but also I think being in there too long should give you hyperthermia(the opposite of hypothermia.)


3.Will there be horse whistles? I am tired of spending over 15 minutes to find my horse because I can't fast travel due to being over encumbered with valuable loot and attacked while riding, then my horse decides to run away.

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Dragon Armor will be up there with the best armors available. Maybe it won't have the same level of protection as some super-tough armors like Daedric, but it will have it's advantages AND superb protection.

Just don't count on it allowing you to soak up two hander hammer hits. Combat overhaul aims to make the combat, especially defense, a lot more involved.


Not sure about hot springs. First I have to solve the freezing water, I assume the same solution could be applied to give some sort of a perk to relaxing in hot springs. Maybe it will be tied to the Basic Needs somehow, as in giving you a stamina bonus for a period of time.


As for horses, their scripting will be overhauled, from behavior to, yes, calling them with a whistle.



I just want to add a little notice: I don't plan on "competing" with other mods as to who gets what out first. TRO will be very feature rich, and it will take some time to be completely done, so it's very likely that there will be other more specialized mods coming out with certain realism features before TRO does.

That said, I'll be rolling out updates on a regular basis, starting with a very elementary 0.1 alpha version which will probably contain only basic combat, survival and environment adjustments. This should be out within a week or so. I'll do it like that so I can get valuable player feedback and adjust stuff based on that in later versions.

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Hey! First, let me preface this buy saying this mod looks absolutely awesome - more than I was expecting when I went searching around for Skyrim survival/realism mods.


Secondly, I didn't read the previous 50 pages of comments before this one, so I'm not sure if someone beat me to the punch - but a good idea for visual ques for Magicka depletion would be the decrease of spell effects on your hands.


You know, how when you've got a fire spell ready, your hands are burning really hot? As your Magicka depletes, that flame would wane and get smaller and dimmer, until it snuffs out - and the same with any other spell effect.


Just a suggestion, not sure if you like it, but just tossingit out there.

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Not sure if that can be done. Spell effects are particle systems and the only way to do what you suggest is if they are dynamically scalable, so you can plug a function of some sorts into the particle system and have it modulated on the fly, which I think is not the case in Skyrim. But otherwise, I love the idea. :)
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Oooh, that was a nice video, if anything it shows the potential the engine has. :)

I would love to have seasonal changes, but I think that will have to wait for laaater releases of the mod. Much higher priority is just sorting out weather (as in dynamic weather, no perma-snowstorms or snow-free frigid lowlands and such) and making weather interact with the player.

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Oooh, that was a nice video, if anything it shows the potential the engine has. :)

I would love to have seasonal changes, but I think that will have to wait for laaater releases of the mod. Much higher priority is just sorting out weather (as in dynamic weather, no perma-snowstorms or snow-free frigid lowlands and such) and making weather interact with the player.

true very true... I think the guys trying to make this should keep a constant look out for other mods that they could ask permission to bundle with theirs, for instance there is already a blood mod and a darkness fix (makes night like night)

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Stopped playing Skyrim till this mod (or parts of it) come out..

I just want to start a new game and "survive". Saving the world, spanking bandits with extremely dull swords and carrying mountains of equipment gets boring quite fast. :P

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