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Total Realism Overhaul


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Thanks for your answer.


I have a simple idea to add a little more realism: you can't change any armor piece or clothes in the middle of the battle.


I concur that this is a good idea. Would it be possible to remove the "time freezing" when entering inventory / fav menu? That way drinking, re-clothing/armoring/arming etc in battle wouldnt be so easy.


Nah, because the menu is like your brain, you think of things really quickly, but because the game is not hooked up to your brain, you have to pause and tell it.


Instead, it should slow you down when drinking a potion or putting on armour. or have some kind of in-world penalty when doing those things in battle.


I stopped playing Skyrim after I seen this mod is coming, so I cant remember if npc still do actions like eating or drinking, but if they do, then you could add this to the player. For example: you select the potion in the menu and after you close it your character will perform that action in real time, also preventing you from attacking.

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I posted a request recently and I think it had a few ideas that could be used in this mod as well.

My request was to have a mod that does a major rework of the importance and effect of stamina in combat, have a look.


I can't wait to see this mod!


Then you'll be pleased to know that many of the things you mention are in the schedule for TRO.


I finished some preliminary Papyrus testing and now am confident that a nice, solid Basic Needs (Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Endurance) system can be implemented. Basically I already have hunger, thirst and sleep needs simulated, I just need to hook up portable camping gear so that the player can set up a resting spot anywhere, and also work on how to affect the character in a real way.


Currently I'm thinking on simulating physical and mental exhaustion by amping up stamina and magicka regen considerably, but have both maximum magicka and stamina AND their regen rate influenced by the level of physical and mental exhaustion, so that a fully rested character can fight effectively and recover from immediate exhaustion quickly, while an exhausted character will have problems using skills or spells requiring stamina or magicka, and will recover those very slowly.


That way I can create a streamlined system with few variables to control. I am also hoping to get most character actions, from running to jumping, attacking, casting spells etc. add to the various exhaustion factors.


I don't think making standard attacks require stamina is a good idea, but since I do plan on having blocks deflect 100% of damage but cost a more stamina, running out of stamina in the middle of a fight will mean you will, if your Exhaustion is high enough, just crumple to the floor, at the mercy of your attackers. So tired characters will have that additional disadvantage and one more reason to eat, drink and rest properly.


If they can. :devil:

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I haven't read all 57 pages of comments yet, so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet (and please forgive me if these seem really demanding, I have no idea if these ideas are possible):


For sleep, when it comes to werewolves, hunting typically replaces sleep, no? I don't know what you guys are planning to do for werewolves and sleep, but that is typically the norm. My idea is for werewolves to simply require more sleep than non-werewolves. The reasoning behind this is that to me, hunting would not cure someone of weariness if they were werewolf. They would still get the urge to sleep, but their sleep would be less restful than a non-werewolf, thus requiring them to sleep a bit more than non-werewolves. Just a suggestion, and I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet.


Another thing, this time concerning Vampires: Sleep, for Vampires, should increase their power and have more of a strengthening effect than it would on a non-vampire. I don't know, something like that?


Please keep in mind that these are just suggestions. I hope these don't seem too demanding, but those are my ideas (and again, I don't know if anyone has brought these up yet). Good day!

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Damn forum ate my post.


Short version: I don't plan on making things complicated for werewolves and vampires - everyone will have same basic needs, everyone needs to sleep. I may change the vanilla "Well Rested" perk script because you can get it even if you sleep for one hour, but that's it.

In later editions of TRO Basic Needs, I *may* add modifiers so that your condition affects the process (so you may get tired more easily and quickly if you are, for example, sick with a disease). But for starters (and for debug purposes) the mod will be pretty basic - you will need to eat, drink and sleep regularly or suffer various adverse conditions, up to the point of death. Food will vary in nutritional value (will be displayed in game), sleeping will be sleeping, no matter where.


I hope to have the first edition out by this weekend, so stay tuned!

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Damn forum ate my post.


Short version: I don't plan on making things complicated for werewolves and vampires - everyone will have same basic needs, everyone needs to sleep. I may change the vanilla "Well Rested" perk script because you can get it even if you sleep for one hour, but that's it.

In later editions of TRO Basic Needs, I *may* add modifiers so that your condition affects the process (so you may get tired more easily and quickly if you are, for example, sick with a disease). But for starters (and for debug purposes) the mod will be pretty basic - you will need to eat, drink and sleep regularly or suffer various adverse conditions, up to the point of death. Food will vary in nutritional value (will be displayed in game), sleeping will be sleeping, no matter where.


I hope to have the first edition out by this weekend, so stay tuned!


I would say: Keep the mod as simple as possible! We need Basic Needs but beware of making too many special rules and additional features - script will get clunky, slow and bugged and players will have to read through 5 pages of rules to just understand what is happening to their characters.

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I would say: Keep the mod as simple as possible! We need Basic Needs but beware of making too many special rules and additional features - script will get clunky, slow and bugged and players will have to read through 5 pages of rules to just understand what is happening to their characters.


It's all a matter of design. If I do it correctly, it will feel natural and obvious, and you won't have the urge to leaf through a manual. If you're sick, it is only logical that you won't be as perky as usual.


But yeah, no need to go overboard, for example having 0.0001% chance with each step of stubbing your toe which slows you down 10% (plus hopping animation) if you're wearing sandals. Although it could be done... :P

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It's all a matter of design. If I do it correctly, it will feel natural and obvious, and you won't have the urge to leaf through a manual. If you're sick, it is only logical that you won't be as perky as usual.


I did try searching the thread but couldn't see if you'd mentioned this before. Will there be an indicator (other than mana/stamina regen rate) for hunger, thirst and tiredness?

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You will receive periodic prompts, first as subtle audio cues, later with audio/message cues, at final and most dangerous stages I may include special visual cues as well. I'll try to make it as immersive as possible. Edited by Mansh00ter
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