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Total Realism Overhaul


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Sure, if the CK starts behaving. Although I find constant coughing and stomach rumbling distracting, but hey, I know that's a popular feature. ;)


Currently I plan on having vision blur effects for drunk+ states, coughing for thirst, stomach rumbling for hunger and yawning for sleep. However I am running into issues with finding sound effects with appropriately high quality, so if anyone knows a source like Freesound where I can get good sound samples under Creative Commons licence, let me know.


Messages will stay though, at least for a bit while. When the module is feature finish I will probably add a config option to turn them completely off.

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When the basic combat system will be released? I know "when its done", but any ETA? A week, weeks? There is a great Combat Mod (by Duke Patrick), which really changes the fighting dynamics, but it also has a stamina system so it interferes with Basic Needs. I can't run both simultaneously, but I want to have both proper combat (or at least, better then vanilla) and resource managment in my game. Without these two, it just feels boring and incomplete for me.


Btw if you need sound help, just tell me what stuff you need and maybe I can help you.

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I have 1 complaint...


magic-armor interaction; wearing a full set of metal plates and getting hit with a lightning bolt is not a good thing. Fire, on the other hand, is more bearable. But not if you wear leather, then it's the other way around. You get the idea.


It would realistically be the other way around.


1. look up Faraday cage and you would understand that wearing a full set of steel plate armor could save your bacon in a lightning strike.

2. full steel plate against fire... No protection at all and infact would be worse than leather armor. once the steel heats up it stays hot for a long period of time. the longer the hot object is on the skin the deeper and worse the burn is. combine those facts and wearing steel plate would be far worse against fire than leather. Now add the leather or better a cotton jerkin under the steel and you then have insulation between you and the hot metal. So that whole line you added was wrong on all accounts.


point 1, uni lecture on Faraday cages. watch the last bit. he is touching the inside and no effect:

Edited by jet4571
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I am well aware of the way Skyrim violates laws of physics. :) This is from a game design perspective - each type of armor must have a pro and con when it comes to elemental damage. It also is vital that the whole system is as intuitive as possible, and unfortunately it is a fact that most people intuitively feel that wearing a metal suit is not a good idea when sizzling electricity is involved, even if that is not correct (although I daresay wearing a metal suit in a lightning storm really isn't such a good idea). So opting for the most physically accurate model would also mean having to write a 60-page manual to go with it because people will be confused and will not expect things to work that way. So you could say that when I say "realism" I mean "fantasy realism" because after all - wizards. ;)


Plus if you want to be totally realistic, then a suit of medieval plate armor was also padded with soft leather or thick cotton underneath to help with the shock absorption. So then you have yourself a suit of armor which should be considered good protection against fire (nice heat insulation, and it actually takes time for metal to heat up, we're not talking aluminum here), electricity (faraday cage effect) and cold (again thermal insulation) - so what will the poor mage do? Poke them with a stick? ;)

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Change log for Basic Needs version 0.9 so far:


-fixed a bug where it was possible to keep drinking alcohol indefinitely. Now you can die from alcohol poisoning like a mortal you are. Nords be warned!

-increased the upper limit of death by alcohol poisoning by 20% or another stiff one. Cheers!

-increased the time needed to become hungry after being fully sated to 6 hours from 4.

-increased the time needed to become thirsty after being fully sated to 5 hours from 3.

-added a more efficient messaging system when players eat or drink. Now there is no longer need for guesswork.

-altered the effects food has in various stages of hunger; now it should feel more natural.

-snacks are now useless once you get very hungry or starving. Get some proper food!

-tired effects now display as detrimental (red), as they should

-fresh water is now detected much more effectively, meaning instantly.

-added one more sip to a bottle of water to a total of 3; full, two thirds, one third, empty

-increased the weight of water bottles to: full(10), two thirds(6.6), one third(3.3) empty(1)

-added the ability to drink directly from streams; to drink, you have to be outside combat, sheathe your weapon and crouch while standing in a source of fresh water

-added the blur vision effect for drunk, roaring drunk and alchohol poisoned states. Now you can fall down the mountain and it will really all be a blur!

-fixed a bug which would make it impossible to wait out drunkenness

-added effect descriptions for drunkenness stages

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