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Total Realism Overhaul


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What kind of thoughts do you have about the difficulty slider when doing that combat overhaul? Will it remain the same, or will you balance the game to a single difficulty setting?


Combat Overhaul will be balanced for Adept difficulty level, simply because that's the level where the game doesn't play any favorites. You will still be able to use other difficulty settings, but I cannot guarantee that the results will be pretty.

Keep in mind that the Combat Overhaul is designed for those who want a consistent level of challenge throughout the game, whether they're fighting dragons or bandits. You will no longer have situations where you know you can waltz into a dungeon and slaughter everyone in sight by smashing your face against the keyboard, nor situations where you shoot an arrow at a bandit chieftain's head and see it remove 5% of his health.


I already have deadly weapon damage in the game, and I have pretty nice armor mitigation set up, so that a guy in full daedric is going to take a bit more beating than a half-naked bandit, but its nowhere near the drastic difference of the vanilla game. Primarily because now a 50 level difference means only about 50 extra health points, instead of about 500+ as it can be in vanilla. Of course, the same goes for the player, you can easily get slaughtered by a village woman sticking a dagger in you, if you don't pay attention.


Still a lot left to do, spells are going to have to be totally reworked since they have no damage multiplier setting, for example. I have to bring them in line one by one.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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I will return to Skyrim when your combat mod comes out, that's for sure :)


Still a lot left to do, spells are going to have to be totally reworked since they have no damage multiplier setting, for example. I have to bring them in line one by one.


On this note, though, do you have intention of making TRO-Combat compatible with magic mods such as Midas? It seems Midas spells would be vastly overpowered if TRO scales vanilla spells down. I have no idea how to do this except for making a Midas - The TRO Version mod, but it would suck to miss out on the depth Midas brings to the magic system.

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I will return to Skyrim when your combat mod comes out, that's for sure :)


Still a lot left to do, spells are going to have to be totally reworked since they have no damage multiplier setting, for example. I have to bring them in line one by one.


On this note, though, do you have intention of making TRO-Combat compatible with magic mods such as Midas? It seems Midas spells would be vastly overpowered if TRO scales vanilla spells down. I have no idea how to do this except for making a Midas - The TRO Version mod, but it would suck to miss out on the depth Midas brings to the magic system.


While I enjoy Midas' take on magic, TRO will pretty much do the same thing, only with realism and balance in mind - fact is, Midas' Magic spells are often totally unbalanced - which is ok, that's a mod for players who like to blow up half of Skyrim with fireballs.


But that unfortunately makes the two mods incompatible on multiple levels.


Instead, with TR Combat Overhaul you will see each spell effect reworked so that they are not only more powerful (TRO will not be scaling anything down, the opposite), but also have a lot more to them than vanilla versions. For example, starting with beginner spells, Spark (and other shock spells) will be able to knock out victims to the ground where you can keep frying them to death, Flames (and most fire spells) will be a veritable flamethrower you can use to really set the scenery ablaze and create fiery barriers against enemies, fireballs will have a real explosive force to them that will send enemies flying... and all that balanced with ranged and melee combat to keep the gameplay even and challenging (plus it can also happen to you). If possible I even plan to add spell combinations to TRO.

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While I enjoy Midas' take on magic, TRO will pretty much do the same thing, only with realism and balance in mind - fact is, Midas' Magic spells are often totally unbalanced - which is ok, that's a mod for players who like to blow up half of Skyrim with fireballs.


But that unfortunately makes the two mods incompatible on multiple levels.


Instead, with TR Combat Overhaul you will see each spell effect reworked so that they are not only more powerful (TRO will not be scaling anything down, the opposite), but also have a lot more to them than vanilla versions. For example, starting with beginner spells, Spark (and other shock spells) will be able to knock out victims to the ground where you can keep frying them to death, Flames (and most fire spells) will be a veritable flamethrower you can use to really set the scenery ablaze and create fiery barriers against enemies, fireballs will have a real explosive force to them that will send enemies flying... and all that balanced with ranged and melee combat to keep the gameplay even and challenging (plus it can also happen to you). If possible I even plan to add spell combinations to TRO.


Not having actually tried Midas (or the like), what appealed to me was never the power level, but the added spell types. That is why I hoped it could be fitted into TRO.

I hope you will find it within the scope of your project to add new spells as well as modify existing ones (which sounds really great btw).

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Just a heads up, Combat Overhaul will require a game restart, since it changes level up mechanics drastically. More info on that later.


Edit: you will be able to play it in an existing game, but you will be massively overpowered if you're high enough level.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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In which module will the weight restrictions apply? just having that could go a long way to combating the tendency of the dragonborn being in the 1% club.

Do you plan on keeping the carriage system for inter city transport? if so maybe around 200 gold would be a better price

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I play as a stealth/poisons guy, I'd really like to see some more emphasis on poisons. Also for combat, I'd like to see the ability to cripple NPCs. I hate it when I shoot someone in the foot and they just flat out die. Sometimes though I shoot people with a poisoned arrow in the foot, and they fall to the ground and slowly die, and that's awesome. haha I know this sounds sadist but that's my play style, the only time NPC's should straight up die is when they take a shot to the face. Maybe even if they get crippled they cry out for help alerting the rest of their pals? Idk, just some ideas. Edited by Bluedrake42
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@Bluedrake42, unfortunately right now there is no way to make true locational damage for Skyrim, so proper limb damage effects/headshots are not possible. TRO focus right now is on making combat deadly and challenging throughout the game, regardless of level and type of enemy. A side effect of that + lack of locational damage is that you can kill people by shooting them in the foot. I don't like it myself, but right now it's either that or whack-a-thon of the vanilla game.


I already have decent damage/armor/defense values in, been testing all sorts of combinations of spells/weapons and NPC levels and it looks good. Fights tend to be short and brutal now. Oh, and don't even think about going against a dragon without some notches on your belt. That first one in Whiterun should feel more like Beowulf now. Now you will actually have to work for that title, warriors. I suggest hiding in the tower like a little girl. :P


Oh, and now when you burn people to death with fire, they end up charred, smoking corpses. Nifty, eh? :P

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The ideas are looking good, but I must be the one to ask: what's going to differentiate this combat redo? There are at least two very viable realistic-ish combat mods already (Deadly and Duke)…integration might be a better way?


I think the magic front is a little less contested, and therefore a better target. Personally I think one of the best changes you could make there would be a stamina cost: either completely stamina-based, or a combination of magicka and stamina.

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