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Total Realism Overhaul


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I did look into that, so far it looks hardcoded, but it might be possible to script an animation event every time the player equips something - that would disable the player from taking any actions for a few seconds, which is a tough enough penalty in combat.
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Quick unfleshed thought re: delays: as I mentioned, highly in favour of weapon switch delay etc. but especially at the beginning of combat (sabre cat running up from behind, anyone?) there would ideally be some compensation for the fact that the game doesn't allow us to observe our environment as well as in reality and that you can't make a…let's say emergency dismount if on a horse…let alone that you can't 'turn your head' to the sides or behind while running. Er, short of it: if at all possible, either a short period at combat initialization to get your bearings or, better, improved warning systems (smell, hearing, and/or ability to turn camera when moving).


Hopefully that's somewhat clear, in a big hurry…

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Big strides forward today with the new combat system. I should call it a combat replacement system because that's what it does - replaces the entire melee/ranged combat system Skyrim uses with a completely new, custom one. I think this has some real potential, but I have some coding to do yet. :)


What I can say for certain right now is that level-free, NPC-type based damage system, realistic armor types and behavior, weapon damage types and armor-magic interaction plus more interactive combat (blunt weapons being least effective in a fight damage wise, but with a chance to do a stagger/knock out combo, to name an example) are definitely in!

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This sounds completely awesome. I try and play skyrim as realistic as I can. Expert, no fast travel, I am purchasing a computer specifically for your mod. I haven't read all the posts but my one thought right now is.. What do you think about real time? An hour in skyrim is in hour in real life? Could be interesting I think. Edited by Teeshway
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