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Total Realism Overhaul


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Found a glitch with the basic needs.


After creating a new character, the messages and blurred vision for being drunk refused to show up on my previous character. It did not even show up as an active effect, so I ended up accidentally drinking too much and randomly fell over and died from alcohol poisoning on the streets of Whiterun.

Then my game crashed.


The messages still show up on my new character, though.


You must have installed some other mods then. There is no way a new save game can affect an old one. The script is the same for both games and all globals and variables are in fact saved with the individual save files, so there is absolutely no mingling, and even if there were, the script code itself never changes.

Check that you haven't installed one of the mods that reportedly have issues with causing script lag - because that's what it sounds like to me. I made numerous new characters when testing Basic Needs and none of the had this problem. Script lag, on the other hand is known to build up gradually, so it wouldn't show on new characters until some time passed. Older saves are reported to have lag issues, once they start happening, immediately upon load.


If you haven't installed any new mods that might cause this, let me know. Basic Needs is very low intensity, but I'm always on the lookout.

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Nice find - will be useful. :)


I just got killed five times while trying to escape Helgen by those damn spiders. Heh heh heh...


Currently I find combat pretty challenging from the get-go, you easily get surprised if you don't watch your step - just forget about blindly charging in anymore if there are archers around (haven't yet worked on magic), they are murder. Although if you manage to get close with a big weapon you can cut them down easily - of course, same vice versa.


I am still looking to spice things up by making NPC's block more while in melee - they tend to leave themselves wide open a little too much in my opinion. Armor needs a little more tweaking, you can definitely feel the difference between a daedric plate and an iron plate, but I'd like to make it a little more pronounced still. Weapons are good - most kill in two-three swings at a naked opponent and against armor weapon materials and types really do show. I might tweak armor bonuses/weaknesses vs certain weapon types to be more pronounced, right now they are too close so you don't really feel the impact weapon choice has.

I am also thinking on scripting parrying for NPC's based on their block skill. The combat AI needs help against the player, but that was always the issue with Bethesda games.


So far so good. Has some scripting issues in Helgen starting dungeon though, with some out-of-order dialogue. Not sure if that's due to the mod, I'll have to see if it messes up other staged dialogues. Starting dungeon is not a good place to test things, too many custom tweaked parameters.

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Well, I do have 16 other mods besides TRO, but the amount of messaging used in all of them combined isn't even close to the amount of messaging used in TRO. Also, the messages about being drunk were the only ones that lagged; hunger, thirst and exhaustion showed up fine.


If it's any help, here are all the mods I have besides TRO:

1. Approachable Pelts -Hunting Mod-

2.Faster Vanilla Horses

3.Followers Can Relax 2


5.Real Wildlife Skyrim FIXED


7.Playable Flute,Lute and Drum -Play and Bash

8.Shenk's Thievery Overhaul

9.Gryphian's Pack Horses


11.Legible Road Signs -High Res


13.Sounds of Skyrim -The Wilds

14. Cooking Recipe Bundle

15. Touch Spells -Compatability

16. Power Dual Casting


Almost all of these mods are found on the Steam Workshop.

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This and please include some kind of a way of dealing with heavy armor for assassins with daggers besides bow and arrow.


I think versatility is key. Is that so bad? An assassin who knows a bit about magic or how to use a bow is really not strange...


In Assassin's Creed (which captures one type of assassin brilliantly, imo) the character is an accomplished swordsman.


Additionally, I think mansh00ter would love to punish a wrong (or unlucky) approach to a fight and send the player running for his life.


From what I understand, one major point of this mod is that you cannot solve all situations with the same tool. This is mansh00ter's fantasy realism. Not that you have to multiclass, but a warrior should bring at least a couple of weapons, and a mage will not only use fire.

And an assassin who uses a dagger will get a bit of one-handed skill with which he can lay down a mace beating should he fail to sneak.


This mod will (if done right), occasionally, screw you over.

Edited by Lokiron
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Well, I do have 16 other mods besides TRO, but the amount of messaging used in all of them combined isn't even close to the amount of messaging used in TRO. Also, the messages about being drunk were the only ones that lagged; hunger, thirst and exhaustion showed up fine.


If it's any help, here are all the mods I have besides TRO:

1. Approachable Pelts -Hunting Mod-

2.Faster Vanilla Horses

3.Followers Can Relax 2


5.Real Wildlife Skyrim FIXED


7.Playable Flute,Lute and Drum -Play and Bash

8.Shenk's Thievery Overhaul

9.Gryphian's Pack Horses


11.Legible Road Signs -High Res


13.Sounds of Skyrim -The Wilds

14. Cooking Recipe Bundle

15. Touch Spells -Compatability

16. Power Dual Casting


Almost all of these mods are found on the Steam Workshop.


The number of messages isn't a factor, the script complexity, update frequency and general structure is far more important. I could easily script a totally silent script that would lag like hell. The reason I'm saying Basic Needs is low profile is because it uses two relatively short scripts - the main one, where all the drunk messages are handled, even ticks once every five game minutes (which means it ticks even slower if you have your timescale down.

If you're not getting any messages while drinking, that means even shorter script fragments are getting delayed - these are attached as script effects to the items themselves and are not used until you use the item - which is what leads me to believe that the problem is not in the Basic Needs, but in the combination of mods, some of which use scripting that causes lag.


The only thing that could cause a "lag" effect is if you set your timescale extremely low, since that may cause the script to tick only once every realtime five minutes. But that would also affect other updates. Keep in mind that drunk messages are deliberately omitted from the item script, you only get immediate message about your thirst status. So if you have an extremely low timescale setting, just don't overdo it with wine. ;)

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This and please include some kind of a way of dealing with heavy armor for assassins with daggers besides bow and arrow.


There is a way - sneak up to them and backstab them. Other than that, you won't be winning any knife fights against a skilled opponent with a greatsword. For one, they will be crushing through your blocks. And you will do less damage, unless you whale on them with power attacks - but even a dagger power attack will be a little weaker than a normal attack with a 1H sword.


Unfortunately, there is no grappling in Skyrim, so I can't make it that you pin down an opponent and then stab them. Of course, you can always use lethal poison. That is always delivered independent of physical damage. I also intend to give assassins their set of toys for the Crime & Stealth overhaul module, like traps, caltrops, assassin vision etc. Until then I recommend using a bow when dealing with several armored opponents to kill at least one or two, then quickly switching to your dueling weapons to finish off the rest.

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Additionally, I think mansh00ter would love to punish a wrong (or unlucky) approach to a fight and send the player running for his life.


My point is that a dagger is eminently NOT the wrong approach to a fight against a fully armoured foe.


Sure, there may be far better weapon options, and they may kick your ass if they hit you if you can't dodge, because parrying with a dagger is very difficult. That, however, is completely orthogonal to the damage you can do with a dagger if that is what you're bringing.

Edited by meh12345
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Manshooter, how do you feel about scripting sounds based on hitting different armour types? In vanilla game, you only hear that generic "cutting through flesh" sound even when you hitting someone in full plate armour. I'd gladly prepare some sounds for you if you willing to implement them somehow.
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