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Total Realism Overhaul


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I just had an idea! Remember that talk about dagger vs armor gameplay where you should be able to puncture heavy armor with dagger if you catch your enemy off-guard? Well, have you played Battlefield 3? In that game, normally all melee kills are performed through special custom animation where you stick your knife into someone's chest. Why not make it work the same in Skyrim? Normally, dagger attacks are rather useless against heavy armor, but if the player manages to flank his opponent and attack him when he is staggering or something then he will perform a special attack that bypasses armor. This attack would use one of the finisher animations.


How's that?

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I just had an idea! Remember that talk about dagger vs armor gameplay where you should be able to puncture heavy armor with dagger if you catch your enemy off-guard? Well, have you played Battlefield 3? In that game, normally all melee kills are performed through special custom animation where you stick your knife into someone's chest. Why not make it work the same in Skyrim? Normally, dagger attacks are rather useless against heavy armor, but if the player manages to flank his opponent and attack him when he is staggering or something then he will perform a special attack that bypasses armor. This attack would use one of the finisher animations.


How's that?


Love it!

Still, the chance to do such a finisher should be based on skill (character skill mostly, but a bit of player skill as well), and maybe that of the defender as well. I still think a high level perk would be a great way to simulate the difference between an expert knife fighter and a good fighter who has high One-Handed skill, but no specific dagger expertise. Maybe an entire dagger perk tree. Which brings up the question:


Mansh00ter, will you revamp perks?

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If you have seen this Witcher 2 trailer:



... you can see how a dagger wielding assassin could be capable of killing heavy armored enemies - well, it doesn't really show what we want to achieve, but you know... its a cool cinematic:D


Anyway, we absolutely need dagger wielding assassins killing heavy armored guards in gruesome and cinematic ways!


For fantasy realism sake and great justice! Mansh00ter, do it!!! :D

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I do plan on reworking some of the perks (some of them don't make any sense any more, like the damage perks for example). As for kill moves, I generally like the idea, but I don't think you can modify backstab conditions (you always have to strike from stealth) so that a hit from behind would trigger an animation like that. There may be a bit of an issue with kill moves right now since the game doesn't actually register hits as damaging (vanilla weapon damage has been reduced to <5 range) so I'm looking to see if killmoves are less likely to happen or not.


There is a number of other mechanics I could introduce, for example change some perks so that if you are wielding a knife, you get an improved "bullet time" effect when the enemy is power attacking + extra damage for daggers, so you essentially transform the dagger into a very deadly but situational weapon. But I'm hoping to wrap up the base code for the Combat Overhaul over the weekend and see how that performs - if there is no lag, then I'll see about adding features like the above.

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"... you can see how a dagger wielding assassin could be capable of killing heavy armored enemies - well, it doesn't really show what we want to achieve, but you know... its a cool cinematic:D"


As you know, I'm heavily in favour of dangerous daggers. I must point out, however, that referring to a movie (or nowadays a game) is never an acceptable argument when discussing realism :)



(It's just a peeve of mine. You weren't particularly serious about it, I think, but I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who talk about a TV show or a movie as if it was real.)

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"... you can see how a dagger wielding assassin could be capable of killing heavy armored enemies - well, it doesn't really show what we want to achieve, but you know... its a cool cinematic:D"


As you know, I'm heavily in favour of dangerous daggers. I must point out, however, that referring to a movie (or nowadays a game) is never an acceptable argument when discussing realism :)



(It's just a peeve of mine. You weren't particularly serious about it, I think, but I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who talk about a TV show or a movie as if it was real.)


Actually, I just spoke to my brother who is a Afghanistan war "vet" (he didn't shoot anyone AFAIK so thats why the quotation) that told me that Battlefield 3 is quite a realistic game:DDDDD

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"... you can see how a dagger wielding assassin could be capable of killing heavy armored enemies - well, it doesn't really show what we want to achieve, but you know... its a cool cinematic:D"


As you know, I'm heavily in favour of dangerous daggers. I must point out, however, that referring to a movie (or nowadays a game) is never an acceptable argument when discussing realism :)



(It's just a peeve of mine. You weren't particularly serious about it, I think, but I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who talk about a TV show or a movie as if it was real.)


Actually, I just spoke to my brother who is a Afghanistan war "vet" (he didn't shoot anyone AFAIK so thats why the quotation) that told me that Battlefield 3 is quite a realistic game:DDDDD


Sure it is. Everyone knows your body just seals gaping wounds shut after you rest for a few seconds, and sniper bullets to the face are ok if you don't overdo them. :P

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"... you can see how a dagger wielding assassin could be capable of killing heavy armored enemies - well, it doesn't really show what we want to achieve, but you know... its a cool cinematic:D"


As you know, I'm heavily in favour of dangerous daggers. I must point out, however, that referring to a movie (or nowadays a game) is never an acceptable argument when discussing realism :)



(It's just a peeve of mine. You weren't particularly serious about it, I think, but I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who talk about a TV show or a movie as if it was real.)


Actually, I just spoke to my brother who is a Afghanistan war "vet" (he didn't shoot anyone AFAIK so thats why the quotation) that told me that Battlefield 3 is quite a realistic game:DDDDD


Sure it is. Everyone knows your body just seals gaping wounds shut after you rest for a few seconds, and sniper bullets to the face are ok if you don't overdo them. :P


Actually, I think that trailer was pretty realistic with the knives. The assassin went for their necks, or the open spots in their armor. Except, Im pretty sure you can't decapitate somebody with a knife, unless its very strong.

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