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Total Realism Overhaul


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"... you can see how a dagger wielding assassin could be capable of killing heavy armored enemies - well, it doesn't really show what we want to achieve, but you know... its a cool cinematic:D"


As you know, I'm heavily in favour of dangerous daggers. I must point out, however, that referring to a movie (or nowadays a game) is never an acceptable argument when discussing realism :)



(It's just a peeve of mine. You weren't particularly serious about it, I think, but I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who talk about a TV show or a movie as if it was real.)


Actually, I just spoke to my brother who is a Afghanistan war "vet" (he didn't shoot anyone AFAIK so thats why the quotation) that told me that Battlefield 3 is quite a realistic game:DDDDD


Sure it is. Everyone knows your body just seals gaping wounds shut after you rest for a few seconds, and sniper bullets to the face are ok if you don't overdo them. :P


Obviously, he didn't mean that those thing were realistic - he talked more about the fact that in Battlefield 3 its more important to know where is your enemy than having faster trigger finger, just like in real battlefield. Anyway, my point is that movies and games are not always that unrealistic as they seem to and sometimes we can use them as viable arguments in discussion.

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Well, as a fan of realistic shooters, while I agree with the importance of knowing where the enemy is, if you want a taste of realism, try out Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2, or Red Orchestra games for WWII theme. Then the differences are obvious. Battlefield 3 Hardcore mode barely scratches the realism theme. In Project Reality not only do you have to know where the enemy is, but you don't know if you shot someone (unless you see it), and a single round anywhere is enough to severely cripple or kill you, which is why every squad has a dedicated medic and voice communication is mandatory (most servers will kick you if you don't join up a squad and report in on voice when you join a game). This creates a rather unique play atmosphere where players are actually careful and highly coordinated - for example suppress-and-flank is a common tactic used precisely because players do keep their virtual heads down when under fire. It's details like that which separate realistic games from "pretend realism".


When it comes to TRO, of course realism needs to be adjusted for the fact that it is a fantasy world. :)

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The problem with Project Reality, Arma and realistic simulation games in general is that... they are games:D They are meant to be played for FUN, but often they become chores and NOT FUN because of the realism. The whole paradox of realistic games is that they try to depict some real-life activities (like infantry combat) that are, by their sole nature NOT FUN.


Its not fun to be an infantryman and its not because you can get killed or wounded, its just not fun because being an infantryman consists 90% of being bored to death, 9% of random explosions and 1% of actually cool stuff, like firing on some targets 200 meters away that you cant even see. Games that should be FUN by their definition, will become NOT FUN if they try to mimic realistically that which is NOT FUN. Simple.


Its nice that there is a Project Reality for Battlefield, but I will not play it, because I want to have fun playing games and being killed by someone you can't see is not fun, being killed instantly without the option to retaliate is not fun etc.


Fantasy realism, on other hand, is what I, and I'm sure you guys just love:D That why we need your mod Mansh00ter so stop fooling around on the forums and start working:D


Random emoticon: :psyduck:

Edited by tomislawus
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The problem with Project Reality, Arma and realistic simulation games in general is that... they are games:D They are meant to be played for FUN, but often they become chores and NOT FUN because of the realism. The whole paradox of realistic games is that they try to depict some real-life activities (like infantry combat) that are, by their sole nature NOT FUN.


Its not fun to be an infantryman and its not because you can get killed or wounded, its just not fun because being an infantryman consists 90% of being bored to death, 9% of random explosions and 1% of actually cool stuff, like firing on some targets 200 meters away that you cant even see. Games that should be FUN by their definition, will become NOT FUN if they try to mimic realistically that which is NOT FUN. Simple.


Its nice that there is a Project Reality for Battlefield, but I will not play it, because I want to have fun playing games and being killed by someone you can't see is not fun, being killed instantly without the option to retaliate is not fun etc.


Fantasy realism, on other hand, is what I, and I'm sure you guys just love:D That why we need your mod Mansh00ter so stop fooling around on the forums and start working:D


Random emoticon: :psyduck:


Well, to everyone his own. That kind of realism make games fun for some people (me for e.g.). BTW praise be to Mansh00ter!

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They are meant to be played for FUN, but often they become chores and NOT FUN because of the realism.[...]like firing on some targets 200 meters away that you cant even see.


Well to be honest, those are the only kinds of games that I can really enjoy more than a couple minutes.

The fast paced Call of Duty/Battlefield Style Gameplay is just not made for me, I think.

But when I successfully read the map to give the correct coordinates of the enemy to my artillery, resulting in my squad being saved in Arma 2... I can honestly say I rarely had more fun in any game I've played. :)

Also, the teamwork in Project Reality is just astounding.


Ps: I consider 200 meters to be close range :P


Its just that those kind of games are much more about keeping a cool head in stressfull situations and planning ahead than your typical fps.

Which isn't to say they are better, but they can certainly be enjoyed if you like that sort of thing.

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Oh I missed that shweet video a few pages back, looks great!

I tried just increasing all the damage, gameplay improved but it still irked me as some npcs would die in 1 hit while others would 1 hit kill me thru blocks and i'd have to rely on saves&exploits more than skill to win. Hate balance through raw numbers like damage&health.


TRO/Mansh00ter - Making you loose interest in Skyrim since Nov 16 2011 till... soon. :D

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