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Total Realism Overhaul


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Hey, just had a quick Idea to make people slightly more afraid of jail:

What about, depending on the gravity of your crime, when you are in jail you actually lose some skill points? For instance if you were caught pickpocketing you'll only lose a skill point in Three/four skills. But if you surrender after decimating a whole village you would actually lose 3 points in every skill. Maybe due to the time you spend in jail doing nothing, you actually forget a bit about drawing a bow or mixing herbs to brew potions.

Of course it would need quite some calibrating, but maybe it would make the penalty a bit higher?


Very harsh penalties make people just load the game. Unless said penalty is, at the same time, interesting.

A high loss of skill levels (without loss of levels) would not only make you lose the time spent leveling, but also put you relatively behind the leveling world.


A much more interesting (imho) penalty to crime would be that it's just really difficult to get out, potentially forcing you to level up inside (so of course ways to level would be needed).

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Hey, just had a quick Idea to make people slightly more afraid of jail:

What about, depending on the gravity of your crime, when you are in jail you actually lose some skill points? For instance if you were caught pickpocketing you'll only lose a skill point in Three/four skills. But if you surrender after decimating a whole village you would actually lose 3 points in every skill. Maybe due to the time you spend in jail doing nothing, you actually forget a bit about drawing a bow or mixing herbs to brew potions.

Of course it would need quite some calibrating, but maybe it would make the penalty a bit higher?


Very harsh penalties make people just load the game. Unless said penalty is, at the same time, interesting.

A high loss of skill levels (without loss of levels) would not only make you lose the time spent leveling, but also put you relatively behind the leveling world.


A much more interesting (imho) penalty to crime would be that it's just really difficult to get out, potentially forcing you to level up inside (so of course ways to level would be needed).


To combat the reloading twitch of most players when caught breaking law make it unknown to them to the last moment - they are thieving like a boss all day and then after a day or two a witness comes up in the case and suddenly guards are on your ass and you just can't/don't want to reload the game.

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A mod that did that sounds like a mod I would stay away from lol.


I think Lokiron is on the right track here. Like Cidhna mine, you need to have something to do while there, something interesting, that will be a game improvement. Ninja huge penalties just means you elicit negative responses. I'm pretty darned even tempered, but if that happened to me on a game I couldn't recover, when I wasn't warned, I'd kill all NPC's in sight, use console to get out and restore quest related stuff, remove the mod, and quite possibly put as many warning comments on threads related to the mod that I could find (not spam, info). lol


I haven't visited this thread in a while, and am not sure exactly of the context of this, but it sounded like it could use some input >.<

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I'm just trying to eliminate saving/loading as a gameplay mechanics. You should save your games because you want to come back to them later and not because its a good way of dealing with various problems the game is about (vide committing crimes and dealing with their consequences).
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Skill-decline isn't in Skyrim anymore? I'm not sure if it was in Oblivion but in Morrowind some of your skills definitely declined (while others increased) when going to jail and not escaping.

It was a pretty good system, would be a shame if they kept that out in Skyrim.


Generally, making it too harsh is a bad idea but not having any punishment in being caught...

I still can't believe Bethesda took that out.


Generally tend to agree with tomislawus though.

I'd totally dig a hardcore mode like in Minecraft, too.

When your character dies, he's gone forever x)


The mention of leveling did remind me that I wanted to ask you (manshooter) if you wanted to do something about that.

To me, its by far the most immersion killing thing ever and I'm pretty sure there's other people looking into it. Its also a hell of a lot of work to be done so I'm guessing you're not (for now).

But seriously, who thinks that a leveling world is believable?

Its stuff like that that keeps me wondering if I should stop buying AAA titles generally and stick to Indiestuff.

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Well, I too find leveling to be an outdated concept, there are far better ways to handle character progression. TRO will not remove leveling as such, but it will marginalize its importance. With the combat overhaul levels already don't mean anything anymore when fighting enemies, and that's pretty much the biggest area where levels mattered in the first place. Now you can take on a high level character just as you would a low level one, and both will present a similar challenge, depending on what kind of creature they are.
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Well, I too find leveling to be an outdated concept, there are far better ways to handle character progression. TRO will not remove leveling as such, but it will marginalize its importance. With the combat overhaul levels already don't mean anything anymore when fighting enemies, and that's pretty much the biggest area where levels mattered in the first place. Now you can take on a high level character just as you would a low level one, and both will present a similar challenge, depending on what kind of creature they are.

well im currently playing me3 and am looking forward to your combat mod, but at this point i have to interfere.

enemy/loot scaling = outdated and per se very faulty concept

pc leveling = extremly important imo, also include player level dependencies in dialoges and everything else in addition to combat

my point:

when i chose to play a rpg i want to build up a character with gear, stats, unique skill set combination and play this (& the character of my pc) as a role. i dont want to play an action adventure. i dont want to play a shooter. i dont want a game where i can walk up to the endboss and kill him with a rusty kitchen knife.

my #1 critic on skyrim would be that it is too superficial, nearly no impact of player choices etc.

if you can progress without leveling why do you plan to include it at all?


since skyrim is so combat-heavy i have to point out that the success of your mod series (wonderful idea btw) will (for me, but im very sure for most players) depend on how well you handle your combat and gear module (if you arent planning to rewrite all quests and include better roleplaying that is).

the ai in the game is not that great. the basic combat can be upgraded but hasnt that much potential if one is honest (i once mentioned fallout 3 VATS as a nice base for a semi-turnbased combat system, enhanced ally control, resistances of enemies could be included etc.). dont ruin your project by just increasing the pc deathrate and throwing in some ai enhancement. dont let it be just another action game... please.


best of luck

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When it comes to potions, there will be a few changes:


1. Weight revamp in line with my weigh+volume inventory overhaul, so yeah, you won't be able to carry a whole apothecary in your pockets.

2. Healing, Magicka and Stamina potions will no longer be instant, instead they will take time to take full effect.

3. Pending testing, potions may be more difficult to make, require more ingredients but also be much stronger. Something special you take perhaps even before a difficult fight, so that, for example, your flesh regenerates or you have much better stamina? We'll see.


I don't plan on overhauling alchemy from the grounds up, at least not initially. Once I have most of the other features in, I'd love to revisit crafting in general, since it could use some modding love too.


As for leveling, what I have in mind is eliminating health, magicka and stamina gain altogether. Instead, I would like to place a much greater significance on actual character skills and equipment. What will save your hide in a tough swordfight should not be a fat HP buffer, but good armor and defensive skills. What makes a great mage should not be how much magicka they have, but what they can do with what they have. So skill levels should determine how much stamina your power attacks spend, or how much magicka your spells use (this is already in, but not accented enough) and that should make the difference, not the stamina, magicka or health pools you build over time.


I don't think it is possible to eliminate leveling up altogether, I think that's hardcoded. Besides, perks are useful and fun and actually represent your character's growing prowess nicely.


This will also mean that, minus your better gear and skills, a lowly bandit can kill you at endgame just as easily as at the beginning, because you won't have ten times as much health as you had when you started out. This should hopefully keep the challenge up throughout the game, at least in a more realistic manner, without the need for HP and gear NPC scaling.


It should also keep those damn wolf packs interesting. Especially if there are more of them. ;)


Hi Mr. Mansh00ter


My name's Grimm and I just usually lurk forums and websites but this mod really caught my attention and inspired me well to "participate" if you may. Though I tried to read the all the posts but I stopped at around 40ish or something so I apologize if I become unknowingly redundant with respect to past replies.


I really like the changes more so when it came to combat tweaks. Have you played the monster hunter games?????


In that game you could only evade by rolling with certain weapons and some you could only side step. Also in hot climates you lose health gradually, in cold climates your stamina pool decreases in a rapid rate compared to that at normal conditions.


Also about parrying why not make it so that when the player and the enemy attack, if not, almost at the same time, why not make it so that they do the "attack bounced" animation (hitting a character while their shield's up)


Also, dragons there were AWESOME... (better AI, better movesets and better animation)


In that game the player also had a stagnant health and stamina pool and could only increase by consuming food (which you could level up by "upgrading" your kitchen thus serving better food and thus making it more effective) why not make a modified version of that such as:


Increase max health via armor (ex default player health 100, armor rating 268 total health equals 368.... health can be recovered by potions, magic etc or not at all... but the armor part can only be regained after repairing your armor, maybe a different pool, also this ain't in monster hunter, armor rating was just plain old damage reduction)


Increase stamina pool via food and decreases after a certain period/amount of time


Increase mana pool via potions/alchemy/enchantment


Also... I really found it...umm...strange that I could run(default run, not sprint) without losing stamina and whilst wearing heavy armor, swing a sword without losing stamina (except perhaps doing a power attack) though this could just be an optional feature because it could be a *censored*... but this could make horses a viable way of transport or teleportation(magic) and fight more calculated.


I'm not suggesting to make skyrim a monster hunter in the elder scrolls universe... It's just that this is what I think is a balance in realism and fantasy and I'm really rooting for you in regards to your quest to overhaul and fill the void that is Skyrim. IT doesn't have enough soul to fit its expansive shell of a world.


Anyways goodluck to you mate.... am really rooting for you and your ambitions..


Best regards,



P.S. (OT) Really hope someone makes a mod that lets you combine different schools to create a unique spell... example flame + bound sword = bound flaming sword... or sum crap hahahahaha

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