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I cannot get Inquisition to open


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So let me give some back story.


January: I was half-way through inquisition and my computer stopped working. Once it was working again, all my games were wiped. I re-installed inquisition and the mods and the game worked just fine. I finished the game.


July: I opened inquisition and it loaded to a black screen for 5 seconds then crashed. I tried removing the mods to no avail. I then tried un-installing and re-installing to no avail.


The current current situation places me with inquisition (I reinstalled the mods after the first failed un-installing attempt) still not opening. Just what can I do to get it working? I am doing another run through of the series so I don't care if I need to wipe all my files. I just want it to load. I also checked if the mods were incompatible which did not seem to be the case (this wouldn't make sense anyways cause it worked before).



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