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How to upload for xbox one?

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Creation kit doesn't pack all files when I try to make a mod for bethesda.net, I instead use the archive tool for pc mods. Works great. When I try to upload, ck asks if I want to use the achives I created manually and this works out of the box.


However, when I try to upload for xbox, the manualy created archives are not being detected.


How do you do it?


Nevermind, it worked.

Edited by koiwe
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my step:


1. put YOUR_MOD.esp, YOUR_MOD - Main.ba2 in /Fallout4/Data/


2. in Creation kit, loading YOUR_MOD as Active File


3. in Creation kit, File->Login to Betheads.net


4. File->Upload Plugin and Archive to Betheada.net


5. choose XB1 (for Xbox 1)


6. choose New Mod, write some Mod info,


7. then Creation kit will help you check Mod sources, package them, and starting upload

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I'm also having an issue with this, rather, still don't fully understand... As the OP says when uploading to XB1 it doesn't use any currently created ba2 files. You mention in step 7 it will allow me to add that, where is this please? I get asked if I want to pack a load of pex files (quest scripts, and some other things, none of which are my corresponding ba2 files the mod uses), if I do that, it then just uploads NEW ba2 files and not the ones I want it to include. Is it in that pex files step I want to be adding my ba2 files somehow? Thank you!


ps. Can you just copy + paste your ba2's into the data > xb1 folder? This certainly works for the upload, but will it be buggy or something cos of that missing "pex" archive step? thanks!


EDIT: Solved. I should just keep the original data folders in tact (ie data > sound > fx > myfolder) and let it build the archive afresh. :)


sorry to have dragged this up

Edited by m0ds1984
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