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How am I supposed to kill Mammoths and Giants?


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Only way I found so far ( lvl 8 ) was to run and get to a nearby rundown keep -- I had 2 giants and 2 mammoths chasing me - made it to the keep and 4 whiterun guards came out to help - took one of the giants about 2 hits to take down the guards - luckily the keep door was too small for them to fit through so sniping them with arrows from just outside the door allowed a quick escape when needed. Edited by JDFan
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I was about level 20 when I was able to kill a giant. And then I could only kill it with the help of a follower. I pounded the giant with blasts of fire while he was focused on my travel companion. At one point the giant started running towards me and I was only able to survive by sprinting (holding down the alt key while I ran) away. Amazingly, my follower survived it all. LOL.
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