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For my mod, I'm adding several items (including people) into the settlement building menu, but I'm having a bit of trouble. I need answers to the following questions to implement it:


1. How do you add to and edit the settlement menu layout (where it displays structures, furniture, etc.) instead of adding to preexisting "folders"?


2. How does one make items in the settlement menu hidden until some criterion is met (like with the Bunker Hill Trade Posts)?


3. Somewhat related to the above question, how does one do that with items out in the world? (For instance, Father's lab coat being available at the end of Nuclear Family)


3. How do you give items settlement stats (such as turrets having defense, crops having food, etc)?


4. What packages need to be assigned to the people created via settlement editor so that they stay in the settlement as settlers?

Sub-point to 4, how do you make those people (such as a BoS Knight) carry out the duties of everyday settlers, such as farming and defense?


5. How do you edit/add to the rewards given during preexisting quests?


Apologies if these topics have already been discussed elsewhere, but my searches have turned up nothing.

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