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Must-do mods


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Werewolf firstperson mod : to play a werewolf in first person and you can now feed on everything deers ,rabbits etc maybe rabbit dont give you the regenaration a deer does

and transformation whenever you want you just need to time it cause its stupid to transform in the middle of a fight and you keep your equipped items if you transform back.


Telekinese on enemys mod: you can control the physik of a living enemy for 5 secs


running scared mod: enemys who have low hp crawl away from you. Actually they try to run but if they regenerated a little bit health than they start again to attack you.

maybe they are trying to give you their money for not killing him :tongue:


Cooler potions mod: maybe potions that let you transform into a bird,sceever,rabbit or something like that.


Better Hotkeys: to bind your favorite weapons on hotkeys it takes soo long to select the weapons and spells with favorites on q. :(

maybe you can bind 2 of your favorite weapons on 1 key if you play 1 handed with 2 weapons


Underwater mod : I think the underwater world in skyrim looks same like in oblivion its like a green potage.

maybe something like that ----->


Nemesis mod: Adds a very strong Npc that walk trough skyrim trying to find you

ones you beat him he dont dies hes telling you to comeeback more stronger maybe hes a vampir

maybe hes like drake from blade :D ----->

and he can tranform in his ultimate form -----> http://marvel.com/images/gallery/movie/3/images_from_blade_trinity/image/925


Dust mod : You can transform into dark Dust and you can fly over skyrim and you are very hard to see :ninja:




Dragon riding mod: you can now ride a dragon and controll him :wink:

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Hello Is there anyone that can make a UI mod that has Icon bars like wow? I'm a handicap gamer that can't use a keyboard and a mod like this would be great for me and other handicap gamers. Something with like an attack bar or an ico I can click to go to my inventory and etc.?


something like this

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Hello Is there anyone that can make a UI mod that has Icon bars like wow? I'm a handicap gamer that can't use a keyboard and a mod like this would be great for me and other handicap gamers. Something with like an attack bar or an ico I can click to go to my inventory and etc.?


something like this


+1 Game Needs a hot bar to replace Favorites menu!


Assigned to number keys MMO Style. Drag and drop option would be nice, otherwise just freely assign spells and items to 1-0

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