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Ideas: Random stuff for moders


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Maybe some moder's coud make this stuff real :)


Visual fix for two handed weapons equipped, becouse atm you can only see one.

Bow + Arrows and 2x one handed weapons can be equipped at same time but difirent buttons to active - lets say R for one handed and Q for bow.

Herds of animals - more then 10 - Mamoth's, deer, wolf pack, etc...

Herd if big (5+) can attack you - Speacly like Mamoth and deer (Strenght in number).

Pack of bandit's, where wolf's, etc.. Something like they are on hunt. (More then 10).

Extreme (yes extreme) overhaul of your companion AI, using skill tree, ability to jump so he/she wont get stuck and way more options to choise from.

Able to get via quest a companion - saber car, wolf, etc....

Ability to come with an agreenment (diplomacy) with giants, so we have piece in region.

Enemy AI has group tactics.

Assassinations/kiling are almost everyday occurrence.

Pickpocketing are almost everyday occurrence.

Brawls on the street or in bar - randoms and almost everyday.

10x more alive open world (generaly random ideas).

Removing character lvl's.

Scaling whole game world from lvl 50 and up.


Apropriate werewolf:


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