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Mod Graphics - Needing community help!


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Hello, fellow Nexus users. In short, I'm looking for help with graphics for my mod.


My mod can be found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64621/?


I am ultimately seeking help with two things. The first is that I'm seeking some good screenshots of some of the followers from the mod in action. If you have a decent PC with good Skyrim graphics, I'd love to have some stills submitted to the modpage, preferably of some followers in combat, be they casting spells, slaying monsters/people or just goofing about, interacting with the world. What would be even better is if you could send a few to me privately for me to upload as to make the mod stand out in particular, and maybe even throw in a good image for the header.


My other task I need help with is making good graphics for sub-titles on the modpage description, as seen here:





You know, proper graphic headers to make the modpage look more appealing. The same goes for a hotpage image to help promote the mod.



Although it's also a longshot, I was also wondering where I could find somebody to make an options menu when downloading the mod through NMM. That way, I could package my mod so that users can pick and choose which DLC add-ons they'd like. Would enhance the mod greatly, though it's certainly a long shot.


Many thanks to anyone that volunteers to help. I'll be making a clearer credits section. Anyone helping out with the above will be credited, with me possibly helping to promote any relevant mods. Thanks again!


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