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How do I add a modification category tab into weapon crafting?

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I want to create a compatibility patch for myself with 2 conflicting mods that I use. I want the modification tabs from 1 mod to also appear when used with another mod, if I'm not being too vague. I use Gunsmith Extended and Pipe Weapons Overhaul, but the problem is that when I use both together the modification options from Gunsmith Extended disappear, so I want to make a patch for myself that will allow all the modification menus from both GE and PWO to show up.


If someone can help I would appreciate it.



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You can add a "Mod Slot" by adding an attach point to the weapon. There are different ways, Either expand the object template or the easier way, add an attach point.




Don't forget to give the attach point keyword a "Name", not just the id. Otherwise it wont show up in the workbench.

Edited by koiwe
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