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Big melee Enemies, doors and rocks.

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I tried doing my best to make deathclaws go through doors, But you can only make them small to a certain point before you start having problems. (Concord)


Until they can fix that, jumping over obstacles and into houses will always be their weakness. Deathclaws suffer the most from this issue. A honorable player could stay on an open ground giving a deathclaw a fair chance. But there is no place for honor in the battle for survival.


What can we do to force them through the door or climb that rock.

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'They' probably aren't going to 'fix that', because it most likely has to do with collisions and basic AI behavior. The game engine just isn't smart enough on its own to navigate through doors or climb rocks. It just isn't.


But it does seem like someone could create a specific location where a Deathclaw could be made tear its way through a building trying to get to the player. But how to engineer that is gonna be up to the modders.

Edited by radiumskull
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A short teleport spell, that act like a leap might do the trick. Leap animation - and a teleport spell. This is one issue that need solving. Melee creatures are broken at the moment.

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