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Game crashing upon entering buildings, opening the map, and random crashes


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Mod list all from Nexusmod :


Real vision ENB

CBBE << best mod btw

CL Cities Whiterun


Grass Field

Guard Dialogue

Immersive HUD

Interesting NPCs


Skyrim HD 2k

Enhanced Camera

ALL Unofficial skyrim patches


I did not listed my FULL mod list because it would've been too long of a list instead here I listed the mods that I THINK is causing these problem.

>> Fixed the first two problems, turned out I needed all unofficial skyrim patches including legendary and non legendary at the same time, but still says

"The old Unofficial Skyrim/dragonborn patch is still installed. Please remove this as it will damage your game!!!"

but if I do take these off the problems will come back and these mods ARE up to date.

Fixing Crash upon building and opening map replaced it with a new and frustrating problem (random crashes)

I have been trying to fix my game all day long and BOI!! Am I tired of doing this bs.

For full FULL list : https://justpaste.it/vwdu

PS : My game runs at 42FPS max (barely noticeable)

Thank you for reading and hopefully trying to help me, it means A LOT cause I stopped playing Skyrim after these problems for 1 year and 7 months and decided to face the most annoying thing I've and will do in my whole gaming life again yesterday. I left Skyrim for another reason and that is : My game decided to delete my progress with dawnguard COMPLETELY.

Edited by FusRuDahGuy
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