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Robes, Robes, we need more ROBES! ... and cloaks!


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I will be attempting this myself but I've never modded anything before and this will take some time but I really want Robes to be available ala Daggerfall. I don't mean the mages robes and such that are in the vanilla version of Skyrim, I'm talking about a separate and new equip-able item. In Daggerfall, I loved playing my battlemage because I could wear my heavy armor (enchanted and all) then throw a green or blue or fancy robe over everything and truly make myself look badass.... to myself. There is something just so cool about a badass warrior-mage clad in the heaviest of armors but wearing a nice HOODED robe. It's my view of what a spellsword/battlemage should be.


As for functionality, Robes and cloaks can be worn over each other and any other armor piece. Each can be enchanted as any other piece of apparel can be. The robes will be either hooded or non hooded (like the Thalmar sp? robes in Skyrim) and the hooded robes can be switched between covering your head or off your head. Cloaks will have removable hoods as well. Cloaks will be able to be pinned to your shoulders or allowed to hang over them.


Some of this is just adding a bit of flavor to the look of your character, something that is very important for me. Equally important though is functionality. Adding two new pieces that can be enchanted my break some of the game mechanics but I don't think it would be horribly unbalanced or anything like that. I do believe Bethesda has addressed the whole 100% chameleon suit issue and I wouldn't be playing that way anyways. Either way let me know if this has inspired a prospective mod creator or if you have other ideas to expand on this! I'll be doing a lot of research on mod creation in the coming weeks/months so I have no frame of reference as to how long something like this might take. If I see someone add a similar mod, I will be checking it out for sure but I will still try to make this mod in my vision.

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