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Edit NPC -- Werewolf!


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Hello there!


I am coming here, the mecca of Skyrim Modding to ask for help in somehting I am trying to do, its rather simple but yet im having issues making it work.



I have mod A, which adds an NPC character that can be a follower, and its called in by a summon. It has a dialog and you can banish it, make him follow, dimiss it. It is a werewolf character that scales with my level up to 80.


Now, I liked it until i noted the f***er does not dmg what so ever at lvl 80, not becuase he isn'rt making any, but because he's a werewolf he is doing little to no dmg, since its a mod, its only doing base unarmed damage, and its s***. Everything procs properly though, his combat style is proper and he sends NPC flying like basket balls, only doing very little damage.


So, since I have already done several experiments on the CK, (make my own equipment using other mods, very basic, added to my char via console commands, items have unique enchantments and stats) that went rather well.


However, this is proving to be a difficult task.


I got into CK and load all the files needed, set no active file, go find the actors in the actor tab, werewolfrace, and there he is.

I spy other werewolves, and I see that in order for high lvl werewolves to hurt they use a spell in their claws aptly named Werewolf claws,

that scales unarmed damage quite a bit. I do notice my modded NPC does not have this added to his spelllist in the actor form. I proceed

to create a new spell scaling his unarmed to a level i see fit, I add it to his spelllist, I change nothing else, I save my edits in a new ESP file

and i load it.


At first glance, in TES5edit, I don't seem to be overwriting the NPC in my full load order, for some reason. As in, I imagine

they should conflict, and they don't at all, in TES5edit they seem to be different records.


In-game, when i enable/disable said NPC to see changes, I CTD every time.



Any help on how to this correctly?


In the CK, should I load ALL the mods I use in order for this to work properly? I do have other mods affecting the werewolf race,

in different things though. As in, animations, and appearance.


Thanks everyone!




I don't get a CTD *everytime* on enable/disable... but still NPC remains unaffected by changes when enable/disable and no CTD.

On the console, NPC level edits are still unreported ie. it has the same level and stats as it did before the edits.


Yes, im sure the freaking ESP is loading.


When reloading the ESP with my changes, I now get a duplicate of my NPC edits, instead of seeing my changes as overriding the actual NPC.

The spell is obviously working properly becuase I did duplicate that spell and made a new one.


Wierdly, the mod im using uses another mod as a master, and the red ID of the NPC im trying to edit is using that masters mods ID, and it appears written in cursive in TES5edit. as in XXredid where XX is the order of the parent mod, and not the order of the actual NPC follower mod. Ie. Instead of being 2A00303d its 1000303d


Now I've also tried to edit the NPC mod itself, but for some reason, the mods summon spell completely dissappears, as well of all traces of the mod, if i edit the mod esp to make my changes. Loading it won't give me "your save is using content no longer prsent" warning, but the spells are gone.


On a little more research, it seems that if you makea plugin to modify a plugin, you need to fool the CK into acknowledging your plugin has the first plugin as a master... otherwise you will just break stuff. The other fix would be to modify the FIRST plug in, but that all breaks all hell loose...



how do i overwrite the stats and spells of an NPC follower added by a mod.

Edited by Giakomo1201
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Don't use the CK. Use TES5edit to edit the original plugin instead. Copy the Werewolf Claws spell as a new record into the follower .esp, make the changes you want, then go to the spell list of the follower NPC record and add your modified version of the claws spell. Done.


As for "why" is it not working, it's because of the CK. More specifically, the fact that the CK is incapable of having plugins with other ESP's as masters. It can only process ESM master files. So, as you are trying to create a new ESP with the follower mod ESP as a master, it just breaks. If you insist on using the CK and making your edit through a new plugin instead of editing the follower mod itself, you would have to turn the mod into an ESM file so the CK doesn't fail miserably at doing what it's supposed to do.


My advice for the future is to avoid using CK as much as possible. It's just broken and creates lots of errors like these. In my opinion, it should only be used for NPC creating and facial appearance editing (because FaceGen data must be regenerated and only the CK can do that) and for anything related to scripts (same reason).

Edited by Vic88
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Don't use the CK. Use TES5edit to edit the original plugin instead. Copy the Werewolf Claws spell as a new record into the follower .esp, make the changes you want, then go to the spell list of the follower NPC record and add your modified version of the claws spell. Done.


As for "why" is it not working, it's because of the CK. More specifically, the fact that the CK is incapable of having plugins with other ESP's as masters. It can only process ESM master files. So, as you are trying to create a new ESP with the follower mod ESP as a master, it just breaks. If you insist on using the CK and making your edit through a new plugin instead of editing the follower mod itself, you would have to turn the mod into an ESM file so the CK doesn't fail miserably at doing what it's supposed to do.


My advice for the future is to avoid using CK as much as possible. It's just broken and creates lots of errors like these. In my opinion, it should only be used for NPC creating and facial appearance editing (because FaceGen data must be regenerated and only the CK can do that) and for anything related to scripts (same reason).

Thanks for the answer, I did find out what you told me. Indeed, what i tried is a mod tutorial that enables plugins to be considered masters in the CK, which in turn allows to create my changes in another plugin. It does seem to be the least convenient way to do it. I've yet to learn how to use TES5edit properly, but I suppose I can do it. I just don't understand how to edit NPC's compeltely using TES5edit. I'll search for a tutorial I guess.


As an update, I did manage to create the plugin, and made the damage thing work by adding the spell via plug in. The ONE thing I haven't been able to change is the NPC level, I tried changin it to a lvl 110 fixed NPC lvl rather than making it scale up to lvl 80, and that didn't work, but the claw spell was indeed added to the follower werewolf NPC and the damage worked. I'll try editing the plug in in tes5edit as you suggested!



Cheking out a tutorial, they tell me tes5edit has the same power the CK does, only CK is needed to indeed, have a visual feedback and render things tes5edit wont do. Interesting.




Using TES5edit, I edit the original follower mod, and I give it the pertinent stats, however in the savegame when I load the NPC, the spell is added but his stats remain the old ones, with the old limit too. Any help with that?




I have succesfully made the plugin, and added the modded claw spell to his spelllist, verified, and working. Now i want to change his level, in ANY freaking way, and I've been unable too. On tes5edit it does show my edits, its is orange which means conflict winner. I am assuming the problem now is on my bloody save.


Any ideas why the werewolf values aren't updating? If i need to mess with the save ,what do i need to do?

Edited by Giakomo1201
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How do i "unmeet" any given NPC from my save? I think i can't see the new values because the old ones are still in my save game (I think?) since the new damage spell is in, but not the level of the NPC. Is there a way todelete this NPC record from my save?

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Well, I Assume this will be my last post, since I just got the result I was looking for. It was quite the hassle, but I'll provide the steps of how to Edit a NPC a mod has added into your game, and make those changes be reflected in your current game. Do note that if the follower has a quest or some script added to it, or in anyway the follower mod alters the caracter over time, a new game is better. If its a simple follower, this will do:


1. Get tes5edit

2.Load tes5edit with all your mods

3. Find the NPC you want to edit, this is, your mods NPC or NPC follower, and make the pertinent changes. Write down its formID or remember it.

4. Save the changes and Exit tes5edit, it should prompt you to save your change when closing it.


now, this right here will work right off when you make a new game. But what if the NPC follower is already in your save game? Then not all the changes you made to it will appear on the game, like level scaling.


In order to make this happen you need to erase the NPC's id from your save. First, get into the game, dismiss said follower, and get into a cell he isn't into. ie just get the f*** outta the room, and preferable as far away as possible. Better yet, send him back to where you fouind him/it hangs out, preferably.


Now do as follows:


1. Get Save cleaner v. 2.06 beta-52363-2-06 from nexus mods, it is the executable that lets you edit skyrim saves, or clean them.

2. Open the exe and load your latest save with your follower/npc dismissed/faraway

3. Get its formId from tes5Edit. If you don't remeber it/wrote it down, open tes5edit and get your follower/npc formID

4.- On the save cleaner, on the lower right corner there is a text field box where you can enter formID's. Enter your NPC follower formID. On the upper central output box a text should display saying what the formID you entered is. It should give you an expected and understandable result, like the mod it comes from, and some other byte data.

5. Next to where you entered the formID, there are buttons, and one says delete. Click on it. The upper output box in the middle should say "Done"


And there you go. Next time you find you follower in your game the changes will take effect, since we effectively removed the NPC from your save as if you had never even met him, thus making the game create this NPC with the new rules yo uset up on the plugin you modified in tes5edit.

Edited by Giakomo1201
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