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FO4 Animation mods


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Most likely never. Making new animations for FO4 requires the 64 bit Havok animation SDK, which is locked behind a substantial paywall (even a basic license to use it costs a couple thousand dollars). On top of that not many people outside professional game studios know how to use the program anyway. And even if that weren't an issue, the only way to inject new animations into the game is via F4SE, which means they'll never work on consoles or for anyone that doesn't use F4SE.

Edited by WhiskeyRiver2
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Well that's disappointing.


Fallout 4 so far is looking so lackluster overall for modding. I had huge hopes for Fallout 4 and what the new engine upgrades would bring, but the modding scene is honestly just falling flat between the changes and the thieving.

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Most likely never. Making new animations for FO4 requires the 64 bit Havok animation SDK, which is locked behind a substantial paywall (even a basic license to use it costs a couple thousand dollars). On top of that not many people outside professional game studios know how to use the program anyway. And even if that weren't an issue, the only way to inject new animations into the game is via F4SE, which means they'll never work on consoles or for anyone that doesn't use F4SE.



There is the one guy that is working slowly but surely on creating tools for it, I always forget his damned name which I feel bad about.. but he has been slowly making progress last I heard. So, it may be possible.. some day.


I hadnt heard the F4SE part of the issue, though. Why is it necessary for getting new animations into the game?

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Most likely never. Making new animations for FO4 requires the 64 bit Havok animation SDK, which is locked behind a substantial paywall (even a basic license to use it costs a couple thousand dollars). On top of that not many people outside professional game studios know how to use the program anyway. And even if that weren't an issue, the only way to inject new animations into the game is via F4SE, which means they'll never work on consoles or for anyone that doesn't use F4SE.



There is the one guy that is working slowly but surely on creating tools for it, I always forget his damned name which I feel bad about.. but he has been slowly making progress last I heard. So, it may be possible.. some day.


I hadnt heard the F4SE part of the issue, though. Why is it necessary for getting new animations into the game?


Because Skyrim needed a script extender so its various "new animations" mod(s) could function via (IIRC) using the SE functionality to inject them into the game, and since FO4 runs on a slightly updated version of that same engine it's a safe assumption that the same rules would apply.


Unless and until we either crowdfund the Havok tools or that as-yet-unnamed guy finishes his project though, there's no way to be absolutely certain.

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