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Shared Storage Across Multiple Characters


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I'm a hoarder. I have to collect every armor set, as are many others. I'm bored of my class play style now but the Skyrim perk system makes it impossible to switch play styles later in the game. I'd love to start a new character but can't bare the thought of having to start collecting everything from scratch again.


It would be awesome to be able to go into a player owned house and have everything thing still there from the original character that bought the house. Any other method of transferring inventory from one save to another would be great too. I have no idea myself if this is possible, or how much work it would be.

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  • 2 years later...

JContainers is a new framework that allows exchange of data between saves and external json scripts using NoSQL. The Familiar Faces mod uses this to save an entire character, including carried items, and allow it to be imported into another save as a follower or foe.


If a super awesome developer would like to pick up this project idea. I would love to see this idea evolve into a bank system. Perhaps a chest in every major city linked to json, allowing access to a single (or even multiple) shared storage accessible from any saved character. All the time, I find a rare drop or shop item that I would love to have on another character, but Familiar Faces is not the ideal solution for item transfer. I also feel that it breaks immersion when I have to train every character to have daedric smithing perk to access certain items. Some characters should be useless with a hammer.


Of course, if we're talking about a simple export/import system for items, one could easily dupe items by reloading saves, etc. Since I can't think of a way to prevent this, maybe players should just have the self-discipline not to cheat :D


Anyway, I have lots of ideas for this project, and I would absolutely love to see it brought to life. I'm just a lowly scripter, though, and I don't have CK experience near enough to tackle it alone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought of some more ideas.

The chest in every major city could have a one-time buy-in option to gain access. If a player wants to store a lot of items for a whole bunch of characters, maybe there could be multiple numbered (or labeled) "accounts", each one being its own chest contents array.

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To the OP, you say that the perk system makes it impossible to switch playstyles later in the game.


You should download version 1.9 of the Official Skyrim Patch.


It gives you the option to make your skills "legendary," which basically refunds all your perk points and resets that skill to 15.


You could also consider this mod right here, which allows you to trade dragon souls for perk points:



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To the OP, you say that the perk system makes it impossible to switch playstyles later in the game.


You should download version 1.9 of the Official Skyrim Patch.


It gives you the option to make your skills "legendary," which basically refunds all your perk points and resets that skill to 15.


You could also consider this mod right here, which allows you to trade dragon souls for perk points:





This is another great mod for manipulating perks and points, useful if you're re-rolling a character

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  • 11 months later...

I know this is all late but I think rawr22 had a good idea bout exporting item list to a textfile. If you can have a container have the same items listed in a textfile, why not just add a few triggers. Like when item gets added to container, add the item to textfile as well or the other way around when you remove an item. Just update the container list when you start a save.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm having insane crashes no matter what I do or how far back a save I load. Everytime I completely fix it, everything goes to hell when I leave Dragons Reach for the first time. This thread gave me a great idea though to help solve the main problem. I'm going to make a Familiar Faces avatar of my character, reroll a new game, grab my old character as a follower, take alllll her items, use a Racemenu preset to replicate the first character, and sit in the console for hours trying to add all the same spells/quest completions/perks/skill levels/etc.

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