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aeoroth1992 - BANNED

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aeoroth1992 banned.

Reason for the ban

Threatening the site after being kicked from chat.


Sent Today, 03:44 AM

let me guess your the reason i cant get on the chat room arent you well good i hope you rot in hell if you wernt well idc you got anal for me asking a simple question like i always do when i need a bit of help this keeps up ill get the site shut down and trust me i have people in the internet business that will do it so i hope your happy

- because threatening people is such a good way to go about showing you now understand the regulations in place here, which you apparently missed the first time round.

Chat entry page:


All the site terms of service also apply to the chat room.

Here's a couple of pointers:

If a member of staff (noticeable by the colour of their names; blue, green or red) tells you to stop doing something then stop doing it. Don't argue about it as you'll probably get banned.
No talk of piracy. We don't endorse it and we don't help anyone who has pirated any of their software. Admit to piracy and you are instantly banned.
No spamming/flooding the chat. Keep what you say to as few a lines as possible and don't "hog" the chat preventing others from having a fair say.
Don't provide links to sites that contain copyrighted, unlawful or otherwise Not Safe For Work content.
Don't act like this is the chatroom for 4chan / Something Awful forums / some other chat room or forum you visit that lets you get away with anything.
Do message a member of staff (people with green or red names) if you think the chat is getting out of hand
Do realise all the chat is logged, even when no staff are in the chat room

Note: this is not a support chat. This is a general chat about anything and everything (within the rules) that our members want to talk about. If you ask troubleshooting questions here don't expect (or demand) an answer. Ask nicely and someone might answer you (if they know the answer) but don't expect an answer and don't continually repeat your question.

Your question would be better asked on the forums.

Note the highlighted sections.

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