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More Feminine Heavy Armours


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For a lot of those folk out there guy or girl that play a female they may have noticed that the heavy armours in Skyrim on a female hero aren't very feminine.

What I'd love to see is for the heavy armours to be redesigned in order for them to fit the female form a little more and not make all our female adventurers look like female heroines.


I'm not asking for more pervy armours. I don't mind if the armours show a little more skin where it's applicable like arms and just underneath the knee and maybe a bit of the belly if you're feeling cheeky.


My best example of a good female armour would be the Steel Armour Lydia is seen wearing. It fits the female form and looks nice but at the same time you could see a woman wearing this in a combat situation. I personally like the shoulder plates but it's up to you the modder to decide really.



So if undertaking this kind of mod interests you just let me know and I guess get crackin' when you're ready. P:

Good luck and Talos grant you swiftness. ;P

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