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2 Requests: AoE and Improved Possesions


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I am not the guy that loves those huge housing mods with more things that we actually need and more space to be actually useful.

I thought it could be cool to modify EXISTING buyable houses. Small refurnishings that's all.


Therefore I request a mod that would add to existing houses more weapon racks, more display cases, more shield and weapon plaques, more usable containers and more mannequins. I guess it does not involve much work and would make existing game houses much more enjoyable. I especially would like such overhaul for Markath house, I love this town, i mean living in a town that's actually a fromer Dwemer ruin? Hell yeah mister!



Second request:

- Could someone make a mod that would prevent AOE spells from attacking non-hostile non-enemy targets or at least NOT KILLING companions? Its very veeeery annoying. Like that quest when you fight off Magic Anomalies at the College, spamming chain lightning ended in a gore fest. Not to mention times i have finished off my companion with fireball.


I can understand fireball doing damage to allies but at least chain lightning could be a bit "smarter"

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