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Better Blood&gore effects -breakable bones mod request


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Hi,does anyone else feel like Skyrim needs better Blood/gore effects?

For example when u impale someone with a sword shouldnt there be a STAYING wound/hole in his/her body that drips blood until the victims pulse is to zero ? also im missing blood pools when u kill someone shouldnt he be laying in a pool of blood?

also im thinking of ways to severe arms/legs from bodies -chopping someones head off is already possible with crithit/skill but thers wayto less blood for that effect in my opinion.

also if u use blunt weapons u should be able to break npcs bones and be able to see wich bone u broke by some animation -for example the npc is holding his arm because its broken and stuff like that .

i have also seen some very unrealistic things like i shoot some npc an arrow in his head and he still keeps coming-some more realism wouldnt hurt there .

in general the combat system needs a little overhaul realism-wise -at least for the conventional weapons like axes swords ect.


well i hope some mod -teams like my ideas and make em reality

and sorry for my bad english im from germany

warm regards


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