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Fallout Cascadia: July 2016 Developer Update


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Development Blog Monthly Update #2 (July 2016)

edited by Matt – Project Lead


Welcome to the second monthly update for Fallout Cascadia! We have a fair amount to share from all of our teams, so let’s get started.




The asset team has been working closely with the concept art team to create custom 3D models for our mod. Fáel, Lead Custom Asset Creator, and his asset team wanted to update you on what they each have been working on for the project. Fáel has been working to create the iconic Seattle Space Needle. Emil is a 3D and texture artist for Cascadia, as well as the person tasked with the more boring and technical part of asset creation - collision models, .nif and .dds conversions, and material creation. He has been working on a makeshift tomahawk weapon. We wanted to take the general shape of a traditional tomahawk, and make it a bit more aggressive and Fallout-themed. Pictured below is an early render of the work in progress


Other team members, Trent, Frog, Bleu, and Anton, are working on various other models for the mod, including boats, the hat and boot attraction, and much more. We will share those another time.



Concept Art



The concept art team is proud to show off just a few of their works including the famous Poseidon Energy filling station that will return in Cascadia. The team is headed by Matthieu Findinier, our new lead concept artist, who joined us last month, and is currently composed of 6 people : Matthieu, Jake, Ryan, Jindiana, Lijimoku, and Michelle. Tasks are divided according to each person abilities. They are working on a variety of concepts, from the character design, to the creations of environments, via means of traditional arts, paintings, drawing, sculpting, as well as using 2D & 3D skills. They are closely working with the rest of the team to help get written ideas into usable assets.









Level Design




Flenarn's Level Design has been busy at work crafting the Republic of Cascadia. Two of the settlement areas in game have exteriors nearly completed by Kris and Jonesy. Several large “dungeon” type interiors have been created, along with other interiors cells by these two and the rest of the level design team, Alex, Panda, Megan, Puggsly and Thomas. The level design team is has been working closely with the concept art team to ensure our vision of post-apocalyptic Seattle fits the style of Cascadia.







Jonesy, team lead, and the rest of the scripting team has not had too much to work on yet, but have been working on smaller item trigger events such as vault doors openings. They have spent most of their time helping out other departments as needed. Jonesy with level design, Emil and Leon with assets, along with any other open areas they can fill.





The project is shooting for having two complete radio stations in-game. More details will come later, but vanilla in-game songs, discovered, and original music will make up the songs on these stations. Shaunzy has been working on this, as well as lending his vocal abilities, when needed. The talented Jesse Gunn is on board crafting new soundtrack material for the mod.





The writing team is in full force crafting a story that will be fun and entertaining for the community to play. Wic, writing team lead, has been tasked with crafting the main story for Cascadia with the help of Josh. Nicholas, Mickey, Liz, and Andrew have been working on some of the side quests, and location lore for the project. We are not yet ready to share details of our story, but stay tuned to our social media to learn more about our project in the coming months.



Team and Management


As you might be able to tell, we have a decently large staff of people that I, Matt, the project lead oversee. To organize the team, we use a variety of programs including Discord and an internal wiki. Working with a crew this large has been a joy. The personalities, and excitement of our team make crafting Cascadia a treat. We are still looking to expand our team, and currently have an open spot each on the writing and asset team, available to talented individuals; as well as a few open spots left to join the level design team, and create our shared vision of the wasteland.

Thanks you all so much for your interest in Fallout Cascadia, we can’t wait to share more with you as the months go on. See you in Seattle.


To apply, email us at [email protected]


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Edited by QuidProQuoBrute
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