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Just another activity you could add in Skyrim, I believe implemented properly and you would think that Bethseda included it in the vanilla version.


Basically, near a lake / river, is a chair with a fishing rod next to it. When you highlight the fishing rod the option "Use fishing rod" appears. The animation then runs of your character sitting down on the chair casting the rod out into the lake, every now and then he will pull the line in and pull a fish off and put it in "catch bag" next to the chair. Every time you catch a fish a message will appear in the top left corner, "you successfully catch a [insert fish type here]".


However, here's something to make virtual fishing a bit more exciting. Every now and then, in the top left corner, a message will display saying "you feel something pull sharply on the rod" and a quick time event option comes up to which you have to rapidly press the action button. Fail the QTE and your character gets pulled into the lake, succeed and the message "you successfully catch

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Writing on PS3 sorry.


"you successfully catch a exotic slaughterfish" which is worth a lot of gold and can be harvested for golden slaughterfish scales, again worth a lot.


Next to the chair will be a cooking spit with salmon hanging on it, to make it more realistic and to fit in with the setting. There will also be a little tent with a bed in it with a little chest containing "fishing rod" and "bait", just to flesh it out a bit.


So what do you think?

Edited by SkyrimeisterSam
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If this animation already exists in skyrim then it shouldn't be too hard, but im pretty sure it doesn'y so it would take a lot of work to get it... working. but yeah I also think it should be an activity maybe make it a skill and bundle it in with cooking to become 'Survival' or something but that would probably be harder to mod haha
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