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Picking up items Oblivion style


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*Presses Z to pick up item*


*Everything goes flying*



Also, something I'd like to see along with this is a way to lock items in place so they're no longer affected by physics. I've noticed that some items on stalls and in shops are like this and you can't move them at all

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Also agree. Side note: I keep forgetting Z is for dragon shout not move item (dam you muscle memory!)



Imagine the havoc that ensues when u use unrelenting force inside your house!


@Tommo120 : LOL indeed


Love both the ideas: Rotating objects & Locking them in place.


Putting my 2 cents in: It would also be awesome if it were possible to store items in shelves, just like books can be stored in bookshelves. We could use it to store ingots, etc

Edited by TenPenny
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I don't think you could rotate items that you picked up in Oblivion without a mod. Unless I'm mistaken the physics are exactly the same (grabbing-wise) as Oblivion, F3 and F:NV.

But I agree, I think someone should make a mod for this.


No you didn't need a mod. I used to have Oblivion on the 360 before I got it for PC and was able to do it then.


Honestly it just seems weird that they didn't improve on the ability by making it easier to control and place, not downgrading it like they did.


Then they must have left it out for PC, or set it to some obscure key, because all I recall was simply pushing "Z", and flinging the item around until it looked pretty. In any case, all I can say is "Wait for the CK", because I doubt this is possible without it.

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Those asswipes @ Beths are too stupid to fix magor stuff ups !!


They just want ya money... and stuff the service if things go wrong.


Yes.. they cant even fix their own CODE !!


A simple pick up an item the right side UP .


Not Bloody upside Down...

It`s mind boggling realy..with their lousy updates.. which give U Hundreds of CTD`S


Note: If U keep getting the Crashes.. open task manger as your running the game.

(dont turn it off)

And when U get another crash... just click on the (enter) run task (SKYRIM)

So u dont lose ya place from the crash..

Just Remember keep the task Mang open when Playing.


This only helps with the crashing to Desktop not the forced closure by Stem itself

when U play too long.. ( Bastards) !!


Maybe someone is out there ( NET) with better BRAINS to make a MOD for

Picking items "RIGHT SIDE UP"


And show those BASTARDS a thing or two !!!!

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